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Learn Quran: Quran was revealed to the prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAWW over 23 years, in the holy month of Ramadan in 610 AD. These nights of revelation are called “Nights of Destiny”. In the Quran, Hazrat Muhammad SAWW is described as the word “Ummi”, which means illiterate or the one who does not have literacy. Hazrat Muhammad SAWW received His first revelation in the cave, at mount “Hira”, in isolation.

The Quran is the true and pure words of Allah, which are altered till now. It is composed of 114 chapters known as surah, of varying lengths, having a total of 6236 verses. The longest surah has a total of 286 verses that is surah Al-Baqara and the shortest surah has just three verses (Al-Kawthar).

A total of 86 surahs were revealed in Mecca while Prophet Hazrat Muhammad lives for 24 years there, while the other 26 were revealed in Medina. The longest surahs of the Quran were revealed in Medina, that’s why it covers most of the Quran. The surahs of the Quran are not arranged in chronological order. 

Methods to learn Quran

As it is a compulsory duty for every Muslim to get a Quran education, it does not only give guidance from the religious point of view, but it covers all aspects of life that include the social, cultural, ethical, moral, etc. following the two prescribed ways to learn Quran Online.

One can learn Quran by visiting mosques, where Qaris are present for teaching Quran education. The other way is to get admission at some Islamic Madrrassa, where Islamic scholars are available to make you learn Quran.

The other simpler and most reliable way to learn Quran is to learn Quran online by adopting an online way of learning. For this purpose, online Quran academies like iquran school, are available, where online Quran teacher will teach online Quan through online Quran classes.

Learn Quran online

It is a convenient and easily accessible way to adopt to learn Quran online. One can get interact with the online Quran teacher in one-to-one online Quran classes. Iquran School also offers a free trial for their online Quran classes to learn Quran online. Iquran School also manages to conduct monthly assessments for kids, so parents can have progress reports for their kids to learn Quran. Additionally, this mode to learn Quran online is more suitable for overseas Muslims or those who are doing jobs. This way to learn Quran online is also widely accepted by housewives and preferable for kids.

Pillars of Quran

The five pillars of the Quran are also known as the religious ritual obligations of Muslims.  Despite their disparities, every Mulsim practiced these rituals as a necessity of their religion. Following are discussed.

Shahada (assertion of Faith)

It comprises two main parts, one declared that “there is only one Allah and no other except”, while the other part state” Hazrat Muhammad SAWW is His prophet”. Online Quran teacher will emphasize this declaration, as no Muslim can enter without having firm faith in this article. In online Quran classes, you can learn the whole impact of this article's teachings to accept Allah ad His prophet.

Salah (Second Pillar)

It is also an important pillar, which every Muslim performs five times a day, on strict times set, facing towards Kaaba. Online Quran teacher will make you learn the performance to do Salah, ablution that is done before praying, and learning of specific surahs to recite during prayer, in online Quran classes.

Zakat (third pillar)

Zakat is alms-giving or doing charity. The word Zakat means purification, which means to purify your wealth. Muslims give charity based on their assets or wealth, calculated by the rules of Shar’iah. They share the appropriate amount of money with needy persons in the community in which they are living.

Fourth pillar (Fasting)

Fasting or Sawm, Muslims observe during the holy month of Ramadan. Online Quran teacher will teach about the benefits of having a fast, and learnings for the Sawm regarding the Quran in their online Quran classes for kids.

Hajj (fifth pillar)

Pilgrimage or hajj I the fifth and last pillar of the religion Islam. every year Muslims, who are wealthy enough and can afford to visit Kaaba and perform rituals for Hajj. Online Quran teacher will guide you in performing the Hajj with its proper ritual and teachings in online Quran classes.


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