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Mousepad is something that we all use on an everyday basis. Thus, the chances of it getting dirty are very large. Here, we will find out the correct process on how to clean a mousepad. It is very important to follow a proper step-by-step method when you are cleaning your device's mousepad.

The cleaning process of your mousepad will change in accordance with your mousepad material. So, before initiating the cleaning process, you should determine your mousepad material correctly. Different materials need different cleaning steps.

If you don't give attention to these small details, then your mousepad will get permanent damages. So, without wasting further time, let us take a look at the different material-specific mousepad cleaning processes.

Common Mousepad Types

Before understanding the correct process on how to clean a mousepad, we must find out what are the most common mousepad types. All the different mousepads that we find these days can be put under two main divisions. These mousepad divisions are:

  1. Hard-Surface Mousepad
  2. Fabric Mousepad

The same step-by-step cleaning method cannot be followed in the case of both these mousepad divisions. So, let's gather a clear idea about the cleaning processes of both Hard-Surface Mousepad and Fabric Mousepad.

How to Clean a Mousepad of Hard-Surface?

Hard-Surface Mousepads have more strength than the mousepads created with fabric. This strength makes the cleaning process extremely convenient. Also, you do not have to worry about damaging the mousepad surface when doing the cleaning task. For Hard-Surface Mousepad cleaning, you will have to collect the cleaning supplies stated below:

Cleaning Supplies:

  1. Rubbing Alcohol / Screen Cleaner
  2. Microfiber cloth
  3. Towel
  4. Disinfectant wipe (Optional)

Cleaning Steps:

  1. To start the cleaning process of the Hard-Surface Mousepad, you have to take the microfiber cloth and put a decent quantity of rubbing alcohol  or screen cleaner on it.
  2. Then, with this microfiber cloth, you have to wipe your Hard-Surface Mousepad. You have to apply an adequate amount of pressure to remove the dirt correctly. The Hard-Surface Mousepad is very strong and it will not face any damage if you press it strongly.
  3. This step of mousepad cleaning is not mandatory. But, doing it will keep your Hard-Surface Mousepad free from harmful germs. Here, you have to use a disinfectant wipe over your mousepad of hard surface. This will help in killing the germs present over the mousepad's hard surface.
  4. Finally, you have to take a completely dry towel and use it to fully wipe the hard surface of your mousepad. You have to do this wiping until the Hard-Surface Mousepad becomes totally dry.
  5. If you feel the presence of any extra moisture on the mousepad surface, then allow it to stand for some time duration. This will dry out the excess moisture present on the mousepad.

How to Clean a Mousepad of Fabric?

Many people like to use the Fabric mousepads. Though these fabric mousepads are very efficient, they need a very gentle handling. Extreme cleaning techniques can cast a permanent damage on the Fabric mousepads. You should note that the stain on Fabric mousepads are very stubborn in nature. Let's go through the supplies-list for cleaning fabric mousepads.

Cleaning Supplies:

  1. Dish soap or shampoo
  2. Warm water
  3. Towel
  4. Soft brush

Cleaning Steps:

  1. Bring a small tub and put some warm water inside it. Then, you have to take your Fabric mousepad and submerge it in the warm water tub.You can also carry out this fabric mousepad cleaning process using the kitchen sink.
  2. In this step, you have to put some dish soap or shampoo on your fabric mouse pad. For this task, you can select any soap or shampoo of your preference. But, try to avoid harsh soaps and shampoos. Stronger chemical substituents will cause fabric damages and color changes.
  3. Once the fabric mousepad gets completely soaked in the soap, you have to carry out some light scrubbing. Take a very soft brush for this step. Then, carry out the scrubbing in a gentle way to remove the stains present on the fabric mousepad.
  4. Now, it's time to rinse your fabric mousepad properly with some clean water. After that, try to remove as much water from the fabric mousepad as possible. Then, you can proceed to the fabric mousepad drying process.
  5. In the drying step, you will have to keep the fabric mousepad on a clean and dry towel. The fabric-side of the mousepad has to be kept in the downward position. Then, you have to allow the fabric mousepad to dry fully. You will get a completely dry fabric mousepad if you keep it over the towel overnight.

Useful Mousepad Cleaning Tips

Now that we learned the correct process on how to clean a mousepad, let us look at some useful Mousepad Cleaning Tips.

  1. The mousepad users who are looking for a quick cleaning, can try employing the hand vacuum. This will help them to collect all dust present on their mousepad surface.
  2. If you want to use the fabric mousepad within a short time, then dry it fully by using a fan. The fan will speed up the fabric mousepad drying process to a great extent.
  3. Try to clean your hard-surface and fabric mousepads at least once every week. Weekly cleaning will prolong the life of both these mousepad divisions. In the fabric mousepads, regular cleaning will prevent the stains from getting too stubborn.
  4. Clean the mousepads by taking it away from all the electronic equipment. Otherwise, you can accidentally cause damage to these different devices.


We understood the correct process on how to clean a mousepad in the case of both, hard-surface and fabric mousepad types. So, if your mousepad has become very dirty, then you will have to initiate the correct cleaning process. Doing this at proper intervals will keep your hard-surface and fabric mousepad types in excellent condition for longer time durations. Always try to keep your work-area neat and tidy. You should not eat your food near your work-place. This will increase the chances of your mousepad getting dirty because of spillages. So, to keep your hard-surface and fabric mousepad types clean, make sure that your work surroundings are also tidy.


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