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Reading is an essential skill that needs to be developed in early childhood to refine with time. Parents play an active role in deciding the right course of action for their little ones, knowing how to properly shape their skills and strengths. Developing the reading skill is a fantastic achievement that deserves improvement with the passing time. For children, numbers and letters are just alien symbols unless they provide any meaning to them.  You can make their learning process fun and interactive with the help of phonics classes; it makes sure your little one learns all about phonics so they can learn how words are made up of letters that sound different when combined or articulating them spelling-fashion! But first of all, let’s understand why it is essential and things to consider when selecting a phonics class for kids. 

Learning through phonics classes is undoubtedly the most effective method for teaching children to read. This is backed up by research: we know that systematic phonics training is superior to any other way of teaching children to read. Why is it so successful? Because phonics offers a child the skills necessary to read practically any word they encounter. That is extremely powerful.

The child will benefit significantly from learning phonics. They will feel more capable and confident about reading if they have experience utilising phonics to read words. Your kids will want to repeatedly experience that feeling of accomplishment, so it requires a terrific motivator to keep going when reading becomes more difficult. But here, the query arises, whether to hop on offline or online phonics classes for your children. This article will help you know the pros and cons in a more organised way. 

Online Phonics Classes

Online classes ensure kids learn the right sounds for each letter, so it becomes easy as pie when learning how words are put together, using simple grammar rules and various phonics activities tools. Children can use their imagination while improving language skills at an early age. Here are some pros of it-

  • Offer flexibility

You can study any time you want. You can study with whomever you want. You can learn to wear anything you want. Online phonics classes offer you the flexibility to spend time with family and a safe environment.

  • Education right to your home

Children may take an interest in the online environment. Parents may look over an online student's shoulder while surfing the web. In short, everyone in the household gets involved in learning. Your family and friends' support makes you more likely to succeed.


  • Easy to procrastinate

In online classes, procrastination can increase. No one is there to tell you to get to class on time. There is no one to preach to you to stay on top of your coursework. It's easy to put off reading and assignments in the online environment. 

  • A sense of isolation

The online environment offers a different atmosphere that takes some getting used to it. In any case, you won’t be able to enjoy an interactive environment like the traditional one.

Offline Phonics Classes

Offline phonics classes are unique, and learning can be tailored to the individual needs at that moment. In an offline environment, this can come with expertise perks like being able to monitor progress and provide additional resources for students who may need them most!


  • Better Interaction

It allows students to visit schools and get the opportunity to interact with classmates and teachers, which helps them build social skills. Also, students come out of the boundaries of the house and get a chance to enjoy the school environment and do some playful activities that are also good for their health. 

  • Playful activities

In offline mode, students can do a lot of fun activities while learning phonics under supervision. It is a more enjoyable way to make students active participants in learning.


  • Extra cost

The time taken for travelling to and from school can be more and involves transportation costs.

  • Inconsistency

The students and teachers must miss classes if they can’t attend school due to constraints.

iSchooling provides online phonics classes in India that focus on a systematic approach and a multi-sensory strategy that teaches preschoolers how to read and write words. We are in the direction of creating a unique place for phonics in a child’s learning course. We not only focus on learning the alphabet but also allow children to learn the 42 English letter sounds in the online phonics classes. iSchooling provides Online phonics classes to help early readers and writers become fluent and confident.


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