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What is leptin?

The leptin , also known as OB protein is a hormone produced by fat cells (fat cells), which in many other functions, regulates appetite . Its main function is to inhibit food intake and increase energy expenditure, to keep body weight constant. Leptin is responsible for sending satiety signals to the brain and for this, it stimulates an area of the hypothalamus, warning about the existence of sufficient adipose tissue. Thus it causes a reduction in food intake, therefore we can affirm that it is a key element in the development of obesity.  Leptoconnect Review

This hormone is synthesized by adipose tissue in an amount proportional to the body's fat mass. The more fat, the more leptin and although it may seem contradictory, obese people tend to have high leptin levels, but its explanation is simple, since having more body fat generally produces more leptin although, although it is true, most Obese people have problems in the synthesis of leptin or have problems of detection by the hypothalamus of these signals produced by leptin, therefore, the pertinent caloric intake brake is not produced.

Below we explain everything about how leptin works in our body, as well as whether it is the solution against being overweight . Read on and discover leptin in detail.

What functions does leptin have in our body

Leptin has different functions in the body, among them it intervenes in fertility, and in the development of diseases such as diabetes or obesity. We highlight below the functions associated with weight control:

  • Inhibits the production of hormones and peptides that increase appetite and desire to eat.
  • It stimulates the production of insulin.
  • It intervenes in the energy balance (between consumption and caloric expenditure) promoting caloric expenditure due to its action on thermogenesis and the production of other hormones that accelerate metabolism, such as thyroid hormones.
  • Regulates appetite and stimulates the feeling of satiety.
