1. Pets

Lilies And Tulips Are Toxic To Cats

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There are various reasons why one must consider adopting a senior dog. These include the following:

  • Senior dogs are more manageable to live with. If you want to live in a quiet home with a dog, you must look for s senior dog. As a dog ages, his reputation for being calmer also starts to develop. This might be caused by the changes he experiences in his body. Still, the calm temperament of senior dogs remains a good thing, especially for people fond of living a quiet life. 
  • Senior dogs are highly trainable. The ability of a dog to learn a new trick does not depend on his age. This means that senior dogs can still learn, just like young puppies. They are even easier to teach because they are more focused and less distracted. 
  • Senior dogs are usually trained. This is another benefit of adopting a senior dog. The training he received from his previous owner will remain in him as long as he reviews and applies them regularly in his life. When a dog is already trained, you no longer have to train him yourself.


Consult your vet Houston Heights, TX  about the best practices to safeguard your pet’s health and well-being.


Tulips and lilies are two popular flowers that can add beauty and color to any home or garden. However, they can also be highly toxic to cats.Are Tulips Toxic to Cats?

Tulips contain toxic substances called tulipalin A and B, which are found in all parts of the plant but are most concentrated in the bulbs. When cats ingest tulips, they can experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and increased heart rate.


Lilies, on the other hand, are particularly toxic to cats. Even a small amount of any part of the plant can cause serious kidney damage or failure in cats. Symptoms of lily poisoning in cats include vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, and increased urination.


Cat owners must be fully aware of the dangers of tulips and lilies and take appropriate precautions to keep their feline friends safe. This includes avoiding planting these flowers in their gardens and keeping cut flowers out of their homes.

Your veterinarian Houston Heights, TX is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.
