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Lip skin is so thin and more delicate than any other part of the body. They are exposed to the environment and face hot and cold temperatures and dry air. These all factors increase the dryness, cracking, flaking, and peeling of the lips. Lips here lack oil glands that keep them moisturised and they cannot produce them by themselves resulting in cracked lips. 

Here in this article, we will talk about lip care to nourish and soothe chapped lips that can give you quick relief from dry and chapped lips without any pain and discomfort. 

Let’s start! 


  1. Use Quality Lip Balm

You can find a variety of lip balms available on the market. Some are fragrances based and some are just branded. Most people buy lip balm just because their friends or siblings are using it without having the proper knowledge of what to choose according to skin type. Many lip balms have ingredients that dry out the lips. Always buy mild and natural lip balm for your lips. You can use Mcaffeine lip balms for chapped lips. 

2. Try Some Natural Remedies

If you search you can find lots of effective natural remedies for dry and chapped lips. You can use it directly to soothe and moisturise your chapped lips. Some lip care remedies are present in your home kitchen such as: 

  1. Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel is enriched with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories properties that soothe dry lips. You can apply aloe vera gel with coconut oil on your lips. 
  2. Coconut oil: It reduces inflammation and also soothes and softens cracked and dry lips. 
  3. Honey: Honey is also great for lips. It also prevents infections from entering dry or cracked lips.

There are lots more remedies you can try as per your skin type. 

3. Exfoliate Your Lips Regularly

Chapped lips are covered by dry skin that makes your lips even drier. You can use a lip scrub containing sugar to exfoliate the dry skin from the lips. 

4. Stay Hydrated 


Dehydration results in dry and chapped lips. So to make your lips soft make a habit of drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day. During dehydration, the body pulls water from certain parts making the cells dry. So always keep your body fully hydrated all the time, especially in summer. 

5. Avoid Smoking

Smoking irritates the sensitive skin of lips and makes them dry. Smoking can also cause ulcers, gum pain, or even mouth cancer. So to have smooth and pink lips, quit smoking as soon as possible. 


When to look for a dermatologist?

Most of the time cracked and dry lips heal with simple home remedies or with mild lip balm. But if you feel any allergic reaction, or yeast infection then consult a dermatologist first. 


That's all from my side. If you too are suffering from dry and cracked lips problems then try to have good lip care with home remedies or you can buy lip balm and heal your cracked lips. You can try the “Coffee Addiction Lip Gift Kit” or “Quick Coffee Sip – Scrub + Balm Kit” to heal the chapped and pigmented lips available at our site www.mcaffeine.com and have a cute smile on your face forever.