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Data centre immersion cooling is a liquid cooling method that involves immersing server components in a dielectric coolant such as mineral oil. The coolant has a high coefficient of heat rejection and low thermal resistance, which protects the equipment submerged in the liquid. Immersion cooling is extremely energy efficient because liquid is a better heat conductor than air.

The state of matter of the liquid coolant remains unchanged with single-phase immersion cooling. The Data Center Liquid Immersion Cooling is pumped into a heat exchanger, where heat is transferred to a cooler water circuit. There is little to no risk of coolant evaporation, allowing the system to use a “open bath” coolant technique.

Read More @ http://dailynewsmotion.weebly.com/blog/data-center-liquid-immersion-cooling-is-the-latest-technology-that-offers-a-way-for-reducing-energy-usage-and-improve-performance