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Listening more than speaking 

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Listening more than speaking 

Effective listening is the key to successful phone conversations. Taking the time to listen will help you come up with good questions and learn more about your conversation partner. By paying attention to your conversation partner, you can avoid unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings. Listening well also helps you create an environment of collaboration and openness. 

Active listening is a conscious commitment to focus on the person you are talking to. This is the only way to understand a customer's needs and match them to the best possible solution. To practice active listening, block out distractions and focus on the person's values. By practicing active listening, you will create a positive customer experience and improve customer satisfaction. 

Taking the time to listen is a great way to stay calm and avoid workplace conflict. It also allows you to develop ideas and formulate them into sentences. 

Avoiding speaking too quickly 

While making business phone calls, it is important to avoid speaking too quickly. When a caller is on the other end, they may feel frazzled if they have to wait for you to speak. You can reduce this by not speaking too quickly and by speaking clearly. You can also avoid speaking too loudly by turning down the volume on your phone and asking if your caller can hear you. 

Speaking too quickly makes the listener work too hard to understand your words. Because listeners are naturally lazy, they tend to get tired of trying to understand what you are saying and will eventually tune you out. Moreover, speaking too quickly can make your message difficult to understand and is a surefire way to end up with repeated requests. 

Avoiding using their first name 

Using a caller's first name can make you seem less professional. It also comes across as too informal and suggests over-familiarity. Furthermore, many callers have been offended by the use of their first name without permission. To avoid such a situation, advisors are encouraged to ask their callers' full names and preferred method of address before addressing them. This way, they don't have to worry about sounding too formal or being overly personal. 



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