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Literature Review Examples give you Good Insight and Understanding of Writing a Literature Review

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Ph.D. students have to write academic essays and research papers, as this is an integral part of their educational program. Besides this, students also have to write a literature review, which is a vital part of their dissertation. This piece of academic writing is similar to the list of references and its objective is to collect all the relevant sources of information and arrange them in a logical sequence.

A literature review also makes an evaluation of all available sources to discover gaps in existing knowledge on a particular topic to create a strong ground for research. Usually, students have to write literature reviews only when they are writing an academic project like a dissertation, research paper, or thesis.

Literature Review Examples

Students who are not aware of literature review and do not know how to write it precisely can go through some of the literature review examples that will help them gain an insight into the writing process, information to include, as well as the objective of writing it. Reading and going through literature review examples is an ideal way for students to understand the objective for which this academic writing is written and what information should be included in the writing.

Students can read the examples of the sources that they have read in their own research or they may even find resource pages of literature review examples in their university. Many universities and online assignments help service providers publish some literature review examples online that highlight vital components that should be a part of the literature review.

The Objectives behind Writing a Literature Review

A literature review is a significant part of writing an academic paper and the objective behind writing is to provide the sources that students have used in their research to the readers of their work. With literature review, students are conveying things like research methodology in which they explain the type of research they have conducted, the way in which they conducted the research and collected data, and the reasons for choosing the sources they chose, and the way in which they analyzed the collected data.

Students also convey their theoretical framework, which is essentially a road map of their research showing where they started, concepts they chose to extensively research, and the outcome of their concept and thought. Basically, the concepts are theories established by academics.  

Features of Literature Review

Writing a literature review is not an easy task as students need to explain how their findings connect to the existing research pieces on their topics, any existing gaps that their findings fill and any debate if they contribute, and how their work will fit among others in their specific field.

Students are supposed to write a literature review and submit it to their academic supervisor before starting with their work, as this will give their supervisor an insight into what they are researching.


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