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Live Cell Imaging Holotomography with Tomocube

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Amongst the challenges of live-cell imaging, an important onethe ability to visualize your samples without disturbing them. In fluorescence techniques, researchersmust balance the rate of acquisition against the experiment duration to preserve the health of the sample.

Holotomography is a great non-invasive, label-free technique that allows high resolutionvisualization while maintaining the cell’s natural state. Very low levels of light is allowed to pass through the sample at various angles and the refractive index (RI) of subcellular structures is measured.

Tomocube systems allow gathering information from multiple angles and measurements in 3D. This enables researchers to quantify the volume, surface area, and dry mass of the cell and intracellular structures.


Tomocube’s first generation of Holotomographic microscope is HT-1H. It can produce high-resolution, label-free, 3D imaging at 2.5fps. A motorized stage allows for tile-stitching and multi-point analysis, and a stage-top incubation chamber completes the live-cell imaging setup.


The HT-2H is a TomocubeHolotomographic microscope that can produce label-free 3D imaging at a high resolution. Pair it with an external fluorescence module for 3D fluorescence z-stacks. Now you can overlay your label-free data with conventional fluorescence information. This is a motorized system capable of tile-stitching and multi-point analysis. It is compatible with a stage-top incubator to control environmental conditions.


The HT-X is Tomocube’s first high-throughput Holotomographic microscope. It takes all of the benefits of Tomocube’s system and adapts them into a multi-well plate format. Like the other models, the HT-X allows high-resolution, 3D label-free imaging as well as 3D fluorescence imaging. The motorized function allows tiling and multi-point analysis in each well, and moving between wells. Along with the in-built incubation system, the HT-X is a complete live-cell imaging setup.

To learn more about live cell imaging with holotomography, callNexus Scientific, authorized distributors of Tomocube in the US at 857-217-0936. Located in Boston, MA, Nexus Scientific is a Life Science Equipment Supplier that offers International Trade, US Distribution of Equipment as well as pre-sale to post-sale support to Academic Research groups, Hospitals, and Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies. ​