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If you have ADHD, getting things done could be difficult, but there are certain strategies that can help you keep focused and on task.It may frequently be challenging for someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to maintain concentrate on their tasks. You might start things but never finish them, hop around from one task to another, or put off starting something you don't really want to do.You might experience discomfort from these symptoms and behaviors, as well as issues at work and with loved ones, family, and friends. One annoying part of having ADHD can be finding it difficult to stay concentrated long enough to finish tasks. However, it's critical to realize that these difficulties are not your fault and that there are strategies for coping with these symptoms. These suggestions could assist you in completing your tasks and staying on task if you have ADHD.

How come I can't focus?

Reported in the Journal of Neural Transmission, sustained attention—which calls for maintaining focus for a sizable amount of uninterrupted time—may be the cause of problems focusing and remaining on goal for individuals with ADHD.

Adults who are suffering with ADHD may struggle to maintain focus, but they do not differ from neurotypical persons in their ability to selectively focus—that is, to focus on a single task or object for extended periods of time. This implies that if you have ADHD, it could be harder for you to concentrate on unfavorable activities for extended periods of time, but it might be simpler for you to pay attention to things that are significant to you.

Advice on staying focused

If you struggle to stay focused because you have ADHD, try identifying what helps you focus better. Finding strategies that work for you will make it much easier to stay on task. Here are some tactics to think about:Utilize your device to maintain focus. Tablets and cellphones are more than just tools for online browsing and communication. These gadgets can also be quite useful for task management. For instance, you can utilize calendar apps with alert features to set reminders if you often forget what's on your to-do list or when appointments are. However, you can discover that when working on projects you enjoy, you become hyperfocused. This may lead to concentrating too much on one task and ignoring less important ones. If this happens to you, consider using a timer to help you stay on task and avoid forgetting to complete other chores while working on a project you enjoy.

Work with rather than against your ADHD

Having trouble focusing on a single job for a long time is one sign of ADHD. One way to counteract this inclination might be to choose two things you need to complete and alternate between them during the day. Being able to switch between things when your focus wanes could assist increase output. Maintain a regimented daily schedule If you have ADHD, there are situations when scheduling things rather than making a broad to-do list will help you stay on track. One way to feel overwhelmed and put off tasks is to create a to-do list. However, one or two of the planned chores might seem more doable. Dividing difficult tasks that demand a lot of concentration into smaller ones may be beneficial. You may also think about scheduling time slots for particular chores throughout the day using productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique.

Make use of tools to improve attention

Some people find that moving about aids in focus and attentiveness. If your work requires you to sit for extended periods of time, you could find it helpful to use a wiggle seat, balance ball chair, under-desk bike pedal exerciser, or elliptical machine. Tools like fidget spinners, squishy putty, and stress balls are great for usage at work or school because they are more portable. There are some stylish-looking necklaces and rings that are actually fidget spinners if you're worried that someone might see you using one. Remove all distractions from your surroundings, or not Setting up a space that encourages concentrate is crucial if you have ADHD. Some people find that getting rid of unnecessary stimuli, cutting down on noise, and clearing clutter helps them concentrate. On the other hand, some individuals with ADHD discover that listening to background music keeps them motivated and focused. If this describes you, turning up the music may be the secret to finishing your tasks.

Establish sensible limits

Overscheduling yourself, whether for social or professional reasons, may easily become stressful and leave you feeling disorganized and unfocused. If this keeps happening, you might want to think about turning down certain projects, asking friends and family not to text or phone you while you're at work, and only accepting invitations to social gatherings if you can make time for them. In order to control your ADHD symptoms and improve your productivity, it can be helpful to speak up for yourself and let people know what you need.


These techniques for focusing and directing attention may be useful in helping you, or someone you know who has ADHD, find productive methods to stay on track. Since there isn't a single tip that works for everyone, you might need to try each one out to see which one suits you the best. Talking with a mental health professional can be helpful if these or other strategies aren't working for you or if you're worried about your symptoms of ADHD. There are other effective therapy alternatives available as well. You are not alone if you suffer from ADHD. A large number of people either have ADHD themselves or know someone who does. In addition to connecting you with people who have gone through similar things, support groups and forums can provide you with advice and techniques to help you keep motivated and focused. Visit our ADHD Resources page for a variety of forums and support groups.


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