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Lack of sleep is frequently disregarded but is crucial to your health. One of the biggest factors affecting your ability to sleep could be that your mattress is older than ten years.

This blog gives three obvious signs that you might need mattress removal in Vancouver.

You awaken feeling stiff and worn out.

Sleep is a time for relaxation and recovery from any stress your body may have experienced during the day. Therefore, if you develop new shoulder, back, or neck issues or wake up feeling fatigued, you are not getting the support you need from your mattress.

If you are prone to these pains, it may be time for mattress removal in Vancouver, BC, and consider obtaining a new one.


Sagging is sufficient evidence that your mattress needs to be entirely replaced. You may find that if you sleep on your bed, you tend to wake up dragged to one side if you're heavier like most of us.

Get mattress removal in Vancouver instead of waiting for your mattress to develop a crater in the centre.

Variations in weight

The way your mattress sleeps can also change depending on your weight. The mattress that formerly provided comfort may no longer do so if you have significantly lost or gained weight.

Consider purchasing a new mattress that is more comfortable for your changing body weight and size, whether smaller or larger and gives mattress removal in Vancouver, BC, a call.

Signing off

If you notice the above indications with your mattress, it is time to replace it with a new, quality mattress—Call Junkyard Angel for assistance with mattress removal in Vancouver.

To know more about Emergency Junk Removal In Vancouver please visit our website: junkyardangel.ca


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