1. Artificial Intelligence

Looking for the best commerce blogs? We got you covered!

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Let’s Talk Quantum In Banking & Finance
We’re living in a golden age of big data, according to data scientist Utpal Chakraborty. Discover how quantum computing is transforming banking & finance here.

Re-ranking of search results in SOLR
Any e-commerce search engines rely on parameters such as product popularity, rating, click through rate etc to influence the result set for an input user query.

How does the real estate sector benefit from chatbots?
Chatbot automation is ruling over every industry and the real estate sector isn’t far behind. Here’s how chatbots help generate leads & increase sales.

10 reasons why your eCommerce business needs an AI chatbot
The ever-increasing expectations of the customers can be met with the implementation of an artificial intelligent chatbot in e-commerce websites…….

6 ways to slash your Customer Acquisition Cost
Learn how to calculate your customer acquisition cost (CAC) and explore six powerful ways to optimize it with the help of chatbots and live chat. Read now!

6 easy steps to reduce your customer churn rate
It's always hard to say goodbye to a customer. The next step is to find out why they left. Here are 6 ways to help you reduce your customer churn rate.

5 not-so-basic ways to reduce customer friction
Reducing customer friction boosts loyalty & customer lifetime value. Here's a comprehensive guide on improving your CX by eliminating customer friction

5 pillars of responsible and ethical AI
How do you ensure that your AI systems are ethical? Maria Luciana Axente, the Responsible AI & AI for Good lead at PwC UK, helps identify key considerations.

Re(view) our Engati chatbot platform!
Reviews are important for both the company and its customers, so we’re opening the floor for you to tell us why you think Engati is the best chatbot platform.

Ritualizing the customer experience
Customer experience guru, Shep Hyken talks about the importance of ritualizing customer experiences and making sure they happen consistently, every time.

5 roles your entertainment and media chatbots can play!
Entertainment and media chatbots are making customer experience interactive and helping people consume content in an easier manner. Check it out now!

5 sales engagement best practices that you need to adopt now!
Looking to step your sales engagement & get more prospects to flow down the sales funnel? Here are 5 sales engagement best practices that you need to follow!

Here's why sentence similarity is a tough NLP problem
Find out why sentence similarity is a challenging NLP problem and why training computers to read, understand and write language has become a big business.

How to use BERT to perform sentiment analysis in chatbot conversations
Sentiment analysis helps your chatbot reply to customers in an appropriate tone and enhance customer experience. Learn how to use BERT for sentiment analysis.

How to set up Solr as a system service
Instagram, eBay, Netflix, and even Disney makes use of Solr. This quick guide will show you how to set up Solr as a service. Don't miss out, read it now.

Black Friday tips | 17 tips to prepare your Shopify store for BFCM
Want to get your Shopify store ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021? Here are 17 tips to help you do just that and sell more during these holidays!

How to improve your Shopify conversion rate by 30%
If your conversion rate isn't high, trying to send more traffic to your store might be a waste. Here's what you can do to improve your Shopify conversion rate.


Top 20 Shopify Experts to follow for 2022
Setting up a Shopify store is easy; but challenging because you have to keep pace with your ever-growing competitors. Here is a list of 20 Shopify experts 


14 tips to get your Shopify store ready for the holiday season
Have your best-performing holiday sales yet by getting your Shopify store ready for the holiday season in advance. Here are 14 tips to get you started!


9 Shopify marketing strategies you need to adopt ASAP!
Looking for the best marketing strategies to get the world to know about your Shopify store and send your sales through the roof? Here are 9 effective tips!