1. Health

Lorcaserin Belviq Lawsuits: What Should You Do If You Are a Victim?

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Weight loss may be a continual struggle, and there are those who may benefit from medical procedures to boost their probability of losing weight and keeping it off.

An obesity treatment medicine called Belviq, also known as lorcaserin, was given FDA approval in 2012. It was also given to obese people who had major weight-related health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure. Serious adverse effects of Belviq have reportedly been documented. Cancer is one of the main issues that Belviq users are more susceptible to.

The medication has sickened or will eventually cause negative effects in a large number of users. This will probably pave the way for numerous Lorcaserin Belviq lawsuits to be brought against the maker of the medicine, Arena Pharmaceuticals.

According to the FDA, those who used Belviq had a higher chance of developing lung, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer. These results came from a five-year, double-blind study involving over 12,000 participants from eight distinct nations. The FDA required this research to be conducted in order to investigate Belviq's effects on the cardiovascular system.

The FDA recommended that Eisai Inc. voluntarily discontinue the medication on February 13, 2020 due to a possible cancer connection. The agency's choice was based on findings from a five-year study of Belviq users that the manufacturer had carried out to make sure the medication posed no significant cardiovascular risks.

If you took Belviq and were later diagnosed with cancer, you may be entitled to a substantial financial settlement to cover your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost earnings, and other losses; therefore, you should consider filing a lawsuit against the drug's manufacturer. You should see a lawyer as soon as possible to decide the appropriate course of action.

You might be eligible to bring a case to be compensated for the medical expenses connected to Belviq, such as the drugs or procedures you had to treat the adverse effects. Medical record reviews make it possible to summarize medical records succinctly and accurately, making it simpler for lawyers to review relevant data. LezDo techmed can assist in reviewing your medical records for Belviq lawsuits, Gardasil lawsuits, Zostavax lawsuits, Zantac lawsuits, and Zofran birth defect lawsuits.








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