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Love’s Fool- A Guest Post by Rithika Iyer

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The following post is written by a very dear friend of mine, Rithika aka Ree aka Batgirl. We studied in the same school for five years but we met much later. Over time she has become someone whom I am extremely close to. This poem was written in December and she very kindly allowed me to publish it on my blog. Please give Rithika a warm welcome people!

The Bilge Master

Love’s Fool


Is this what plants feel when spring leaves

come out? A siren call,

promising you’ll be thick as thieves.

They say Love makes fools of us all.

It came inlike a sneaky mole –

funny that it’s calleda fall,

because ittookmedown a rabbit hole.

They say Love makes fools of us all.

I didn’t know I was easily bruised.

Now out from under Love’s thrall,

slowly I feel my strength infused.

They say Love makes fools of us all.

Happy one day, heartbroken another,

I learnt to build up my walls,

And how to be my own tether.

Love made me a Fool after all.


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