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What is web development?


Web development is the field that implements the different functionalities of a website through programming languages. It is in charge of aspects such as the creation or installation of a manager for the web, or the connection with databases or other sources of information.


In the area of web app development company , a distinction is usually made between programming front-end and back end. The first refers to the transfer of a web design to the programming languages used by web browsers (HTML, CSS and Javascript, complemented by libraries and frameworks); while the second is linked to the development of functionalities on the server that hosts and runs a website.

What are the differences between web design and web development?

As we have seen through the definitions of both terms, the differences between web design and web development are quite explicit. The web design is in charge of defining the visual section of a web, while the web development transfers this design proposal to the web programming languages, both at the level of front-end and back end.


¿Where, then, is the confusion between the two terms? Mainly in the generic use given to web design. Usually when we talk about web design we link the term to the entire process of creating a website, including the visual section and the programming.

Sometimes it is also used web development to refer to the generation of a web, ignoring that to carry out its web application development company , we will need to start from a web design.

So why are the two terms sometimes mixed up? Basically, due to the generic use given to web design. When talking about web design, the term is usually linked to the entire process of creating a website, including the visual section and programming. Sometimes, the term web development is also used to refer to the generation of a website, forgetting that development must start from a web design.

Sometimes, the differences between web design and web development are not clear. “Web design” is used as a generic term that refers to design and development. Web design refers to the appearance and perception of the website . It includes the design, navigation, and colour scheme of the website. Also the graphic design and the logo. However, web design is more related to aesthetics and user experience . The goal of a web designer is to make a website easy to use. On the other hand, web development takes care of the functions and features of a website. Of the programming of a website, of functions such as registration, of content management systems, of e-commerce and of any database application.

At Imagar we remember that a good web designer must have extensive knowledge of graphic design and marketing. It is about attracting the attention of visitors to a website and encouraging them to browse it. A good web developer must have programming skills to find solutions that give functionality to a website.

Many studies have revealed that visitors to a website judge it in just a few seconds. Therefore, a good web design is key to making the site attractive and easy to use . So that the user is attracted to the website and visits it again.

In summary, both web design and development are essential parts of achieving an effective page. Web design must be integrated into web development. Therefore, the ideal is for designers and developers to work together.

In this sense, we will analyse two of the main concepts linked to the creation of websites in web app development company : web design and web development.

Web design takes care of defining the visual section of a website. This involves attending to the more structural user experience (UX), as well as the visual impact of the interface (UI), that is, it's more plastic appearance. Web design prepares the visible part of a website using design tools, without going into developing the website using programming languages.

What is more important, web design or web development?

It depends. Since each web project has its own specifications, the web design and web development requirements will vary accordingly. It is possible that for a corporate website, oriented solely to the presentation of services, we do not require a high level of web development and we focus much of the efforts on its design. On the contrary, in a multinational online store coordinated with a complex system of stock, web development will be key to incorporate all the functionalities necessary for its correct operation.

In The Sparkout Web we realise tailor-made websites, creating unique designs for each project and programming all the specific functionalities they require. If you need a quote for your website or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
