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Art galleries in Long Island continually receive requests from artists to either show, represent, sell or critique their art. If that isn’t realistic, many will walk miles under diffusing conditions to show their work in the art gallery- an ultimate testament to their talent and persistence. Undeniably, landing an online art gallery in New York is a challenging endeavor. The proposal process is highly competitive, complex, and complicated. Even after you’ve achieved some initial success, there is no guarantee that any gallery will be ready to show your creations.

However, you want to make sure that you’re choosing the right path and approach to maximize your chances at an art gallery in Long Island. To help you not make any mistake, here are a few do’s and don’ts when pursuing an online art gallery in New York.

  1. Respect the process always: Galleries are prone to taking in massive submissions. So, it does not help if you send another one to them. It is why you need to research the gallery, learn the specifics, and use it to customize your submission. Gallery owners want an artist that understands their message and theme. Instead of outright asking for representation, ask them to review your work. Be sure to explain your context briefly, including your recent work.
  2. Be your best self: When art galleries in Long Island owners visit a studio, they focus on more than just the art. They want to know how you operate, how to create an art piece, and how you execute it. Be sure that you’re gracious and spend more time listening to them than speaking. This shows that you are more interested in their expectations than your urges. Be yourself, relatively your best self for them.
  3. Don’t act like an art collector: When looking for gallery representation, it can be tempting to visit a gallery before submitting your piece to them. Respect the gallery and those represented there. And if you do visit them, tell them that you’re an artist. Gallery owners want to spend their time with a prospective buyer and need to know that you’re interested in buying. So, don’t let the gallery owners think that you’re a collector since it will only hurt your chances. Tell them the truth always.
  4. Provide the right information: When you send a gallery to view your work, make sure to send them all the details you can, mediums, dimensions, and price range. Send them your latest creation and keep them organized elegantly like an online portfolio. Remember that they have limited time to review your work, so make the most of it.
  5. Research their submission guidelines: Several art galleries in Long Island have different submission guidelines. So, you need to organize and send them your work keeping those rules and regulations in mind. Tell them in the most precise way why you’re contacting them and why should they consider your art. Make every second purposeful and meaningful to turn the stakes in your favor.