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Losing hair is common, but losing it in excess can be worrisome. Hair is considered the crowning glory, and every individual desires healthy, thick, and shiny hair. Hair loss is known to affect around 70% of men and 30% of women. This obviously hits the person's confidence and affects their social and work lives as well. Normally, our scalp sheds roughly 100 hairs per day. However, anything above that number may signal the beginning of hair loss. Since the causes and types of hair loss differ, evaluating and treating hair loss is an important part of primary care.

In this article, Dr. Roopi Khera, a renowned hair specialist, has explained what hair loss is and the dermatological procedures to manage it. The expert doctor is also widely known for offering the best hair fall treatment in Ludhiana. Read on for more insight.

What is Hair Loss?

Hair loss is an unpleasant condition where a person starts losing hair from the scalp. It is perfectly normal to lose 100 hair strands each day, as these are replaced by new, growing hair. However, the problem occurs when the amount of hair loss is much greater than the new hair growth. This is more frequent in males. When hair loss is excessive, it could lead to baldness.

Stages of Hair Loss

There are mainly three phases of hair loss:

  • Anagen Phase: This phase is considered the longest phase of the active growth cycle. The life span of this is usually 2–7 years. During this time period, the hair follicles are active and produce new dermal papillae cells. This results in hair growth at a rate of approximately one-half inch per month. However, this time period of the active growth cycle varies from one patient to another.

  • Catagen Phase: The catagen phase is considered a transitional phase that lasts for only two weeks. The first sign of the catagen phase is the stoppage of melanin formation in the hair bulb. During this phase, the hair follicle gently detaches from the bulb, resulting in hair shaft loss, and the follicle enters a dormant state. At the end of this phase, the hair follicle is 1/6th of its initial length.

  • Telogen Phase: The life span of the telogen phase is approximately three months. The hair follicle “rests” before converting into the anagen phase. More and more people are entering the telogen phase due to unhealthy conditions or permanent stress. This is known as ‘Telogen Effluvium’. It is vital to nourish the scalp with a healthy diet, vitamins, and amino acids during this phase.

Losing excessive strands of hair? Book a consultation with Dr. Roopi Khera at The Glo Medispa to get the best hair fall treatment in Ludhiana.

What are the Hair Loss Treatment Options at The Glo Medispa?

Depending on the extent of hair loss, the expert hair specialist at The Glo Medispa Clinic offers several treatment options for hair loss. These include:

  1. Oral Medications: Before recommending any dermatological procedure, the doctor will treat hair loss with the help of medications. There are a few medications available to treat pattern baldness. The most common options include topical minoxidil and finasteride.

  2. Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy is a treatment that directly targets the components responsible for hair growth as well as the protein and vitamin content of the scalp. During this procedure, the experts create several microholes with the use of a dermaroller, mesogun, or insulin syringe. Through these microholes, the stimulating nutrients for hair growth get injected into the scalp. This is an effective hair loss treatment that helps increase the blood supply in the full scalp area. It even boosts cell metabolism, accelerates the growth of existing hair follicles, and encourages new hair growth. This treatment has been shown to be highly successful in many patients suffering from hair loss.

  3. Platelet-rich plasma therapy: Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is gaining popularity as a cutting-edge treatment for patterned hair loss, receding hairlines, and hair thinning. It is an effective treatment that delivers effective natural hair regrowth results. In PRP therapy for hair loss, individual blood is drawn, processed, and injected into the scalp to stimulate natural hair growth. Platelet-rich plasma therapy stimulates natural hair growth by boosting blood supply to hair follicles, which also increases hair shaft thickness. This procedure can also be combined with other procedures for effective hair growth.

  4. Growth factor concentrate: GFC stands for ‘Growth Factor Concentrate’. It is a highly safe and concentrated growth factor preparation, engineered from the patient's own blood, to get effective hair loss results. This is a more advanced version of PRP. In this procedure, instead of platelets, growth factors in high concentration are extracted from the platelet and injected directly into the scalp. They are concentrated and delivered directly to the hair root.

  5. Hair Transplant: Hair transplants are the most commonly performed procedures for treating baldness. It is also performed to restore hair density and induce hair growth in the affected area. Hair transplantation involves taking grafts or follicles from the back of the head, where they are more resistant to hormonal changes, and transplanting them to areas of baldness or sparse development. The two most commonly performed types of hair transplant are FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (follicular unit extraction).

The right treatment is chosen by the expert hair specialists according to the clinical diagnosis of each patient. The treatments are tailored according to their lifestyle choices.


Note: If one is facing excessive hair loss during pregnancy, they can opt for serums or supplements using botanical extracts that are completely safe in pregnancy and prevent postpartum hair loss. Treatments such as mesotherapy are safe during pregnancy, while PRP and GFC can be done during lactation.

If one is interested in learning more about these dermatological procedures or wants to avail the benefits of these treatments, one can book a consultation with Dr. Roopi Khera at The Glo Medispa Clinic. She is also considered one of the best skin specialists in Ludhiana, and besides hair transplants, she offers other procedures such as laser toning, dermal fillers, microneedling, acne treatment, hydrafacials, and chemical peels at the clinic.

For more information, visit The Glo Medispa Clinic.

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