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When you hire a Residential Strata maintenance maple ridge to take care of your landscape management needs and landscaping design and landscaping concepts, you need to know exactly what you're getting into. Listed below are some of the more well-known choices.

The Bed Needs Cleaning/Detailing

Included in this service are the removal of spent blooms and monitoring and the removing of browning foliage and branches. This is a vital necessity if you want to maintain your yard looking its best all year long.

Spring and fall cleaning

“Deep cleaning” refers to extensive bed maintenance, including perennial and grass, slicing and edging, mulching, and seasonal pruning of perennials. At least once or twice a year, these services perform a “deep-cleaning” of the landscape.


For each type of plant, pruning and hedging must be done at the appropriate period. When you hire a professional to conduct the pruning for you, you'll get the greatest results. Experts or avid gardeners should only handle plants like Hydrangea. Maintaining the shape of the plant, removing dead or diseased limbs, and encouraging new growth are the primary goals of pruning. Plants are often fashioned into geometric patterns when hedging. In the landscape, both play a crucial role.

Landscaping Styles

Landscaping plants must be fed and protected.

The ground provides plants with the nutrients they need. “Heavy feeders” describes plants that eat a lot. In other words, a substantial proportion of soil nutrients have been lost in this process. As a group, they're known as “heavy eaters.” A proactive addition to your landscape design can be a plant feed/protect programme, which ensures that your plants and soil receive the nutrients they require. In addition to disease and pest protection, frequent problems will be addressed so that they don't arise. Aphids and other forms of mildew are only a few examples of this. This may or may not be included in your service plan, but it is critical to the health of your plants.

Your lawn should be fed and protected.

The use of lawn chemical programmes discourage pests and diseases like grubs, brown patches, and a variety of fungi. Most regimens call for a 5- to 7-step process carried out at the appropriate time of year in order to achieve the optimum outcomes. As a result of the influence of irrigation and weather patterns on turf, they must be considered in your turf programme. Additional treatments to combat moisture issues may be necessary if the year is exceptionally wet.

Irrigation systems can be turned on and off.

An irrigation system's startup and shutdown are typically covered by most maintenance contracts. If your irrigation system is already running, you may want to consider switching it off until winter arrives. It's possible for the lines to become frozen and extend if they don't have the water removed from them. Their system could be harmed by this. Often the damages are greater than the cost of effective winterization and upkeep. Often the damages. Contracts that involve monthly check-ins can help verify that water is being used efficiently. In High Prairie's contracts, this proactive action is included. Regular monitoring improves the ability to adjust for optimal plant health and identify any repairs that may be necessary.

A seasonal display can contain flowers that bloom in the spring, summer, and fall. Christmas lighting and greenery are optional extras. There's a sense of anticipation as the seasons change thanks to services like this one. Mulching may be done once or twice a year, depending on the contract. Many people find mulch visually appealing, but it has numerous horticultural benefits including root insulation, weed control, and water retention.

Removing the Fallen Grass

The frequency of visits specified by the client can usually be accommodated in most contracts for leaf removal. For some customers, one or two visits each year is more than enough. There will be a leaf accumulation between visits for customers that only have their supplier come out twice a year. For some customers, having up to seven removals per season is the ideal way to keep their home neat and tidy as the seasons change. You have complete control over how this feature is implemented.

To Mow the Yard

Mowing contracts in the Midwest typically last 28-32 visits. The cost of mowing typically includes services such as string trimming, edging, and blowing off hard surfaces. However, you should be aware that not every landscaping business will offer all of these possibilities. Consider your priorities before making a final decision on a service provider. If you do this, your landscape will look its finest.