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Manual Lymphatic drainage massage 

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Lymphatic drainage massage, also known as manual lymphatic massage, lessens swelling caused by conditions or treatments that impede your lymphatic system. An location with functional lymph veins is the target of a lymphatic drainage massage, which gently manipulates certain body areas to promote lymph flow there. 

Lymphatic decongestive therapy 

What does a lymphatic drainage massage accomplish? 

Lymphedema causes unpleasant swelling in your arms and legs. Manual lymphatic drainage, also known as lymphatic drainage massage, is a mild form of massage that helps reduce this swelling. Lymphedema is a common complication for breast cancer surgery patients. 

Lymphedema happens when your tissues retain fluid that is still there after your circulatory system has delivered blood to all of your tissues and organs. 

The liquid that is still present is known as lymph. Your body's lymphatic system gathers it and sends it back to your heart normally through a network of lymph veins and lymph nodes. Lymph builds up in your arms and legs as a result of impaired lymphatic system function, resulting in edoema. 

Lymphatic drainage massage treatments transport lymph from your tissues to your lymph nodes, reducing tissue edoema. 

Lymphatic drainage massages' effectiveness 

Researchers in medicine are still studying how well lymphatic drainage massages work. Numerous studies have found that lymphatic drainage massages are advantageous for people under the age of 60. 

How are lymphatic drainage massages carried out? 

A lymphatic drainage massage consists of the following two steps: 

Clearing: During this phase, lymphatic fluid in your tissues is released. 

Reabsorption: Lymphatic fluid is moved to the lymph nodes at this stage. 

Exist additional methods to remove lymph fluid from my tissues? 

Some people benefit from the mechanical process. During this process, you put a sleeve on the arm or limb that is swollen. The sleeve is attached to a pneumatic pump that pulses and assists in the outflow of lymph from your tissues to your lymph nodes. 

Risks And Rewards 

Which conditions does lymphatic drainage massage treat well? 

After breast cancer surgery, lymphedema is usually reduced with massages that encourage lymphatic drainage. Additionally, the following ailments benefit greatly from lymphatic drainage massages: 

The chronic form of arthritis known as rheumatoid causes pain, swelling, and stiffness in your joints. 

  • One sign of fibromyalgia is chronic pain in the muscles and joints. 
  • Chronic venous insufficiency: This condition develops when your legs' veins aren't functioning properly, which makes it challenging for blood to return from your legs to your heart. 
  • Lipedema, which happens when extra fat accumulates in the lower body and obstructs the lymphatic system, causes lymphedema. 



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