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Every year, more people read ebooks thanks to their convenience, easy access, and lower prices. Nearly all authors who are widely read today publish in ebook form, and it's a potent addition to their book sales. As a good book publicist will tell you, authors need to understand the market and prepare before jumping in. Ebook marketing has overlaps with marketing physical copies of books, but there are also differences. Author websites and blogs, for example, can be integral to sparking sales. Large online bookstores also sell ebooks, but it takes some finesse to spark the sales you're trying to achieve.

As it does to be effective in other areas, your author's website needs to be optimized for search engines so that potentially interested readers can find it easily. It also provides you with a platform to feature compelling information about your book and its contents. Each book you write will have a dedicated page on your site optimally that includes a synopsis and sample excerpts. You can also include photos or images from the book if it has them, along with information about why the book is of interest to readers. Keep in mind that a large percentage of people who buy the book will check out your website first.

If you've ever asked yourself whether you need a blog, here is why the answer is yes. Blogs are devices to attract additional search engine traffic to your site. Well-written and informative articles with appropriate keywords can pull in traffic consistently. Therefore, blogs need to be optimized in the same way a website does to be most effective. Because blog posts appear more frequently than new web pages, they are also valuable for keeping your online content fresh and attractive to search engines. Blog posts can have links to your web pages and places where people can buy copies of your ebook.

Author self-promotion of ebooks through well-developed websites and blogs can work hand in hand with traditional book publicity campaigns. Media exposure is a potent addition to any book marketing campaign, and the same goes for ebooks. Social media also have a role in the marketing mix and is an excellent spot to share links to blog posts and your website pages. Competition in the ebook marketplace reaches farther into the stratosphere every year, which means you need to up your game to compete effectively. Start early, be well prepared, keep your site and blog content of high quality.