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Plastic is one of the most widely used products in the world with a vast range of applications. Since its invention in 1907, it has found use in everything we can think of. Starting from kitchen appliances, electrical devices, transport vehicles, heavy machinery, and other industrial applications; plastic is used in various forms in the functioning or production of all these technologies. To put this from a different perspective; almost everything we use in our daily life is either made of plastic or has plastic components in it. Your phone, laptop, cars, and utensils all use plastic.

We have seen plastic coming in various shapes, sizes, and colours, yet, most of us are unaware of the fact that plastic in its original form is colourless and quite unwieldy. It has to undergo numerous levels of processing before it attains the colour, texture, and structure as required by the user. Masterbatch is one of the key constituents of the entire process that is responsible for plastic attaining both physical and chemical properties required by the end user.

So, what is a MASTERBATCH?

In simple words, a masterbatch is a solid or liquid additive that contains pigments in high concentration. This pigment imparts a specific colour once it is suspended on the plastic. Additionally, masterbatches can also contain additives that impart specific physical or chemical properties in the plastic such as UV resistance, fire resistance, colour diffusion, increased strength, etc. This improves the overall processability of the plastic which allows it to be moulded into different shapes and builds to meet the specific requirements of its users. This is why we see tiny plastic components in our laptops and mobiles while also having devices and machinery which are mostly built from plastic components.

While the usage of plastic-based products improved many aspects of our lives and expanded our technological capabilities, it also brought about one particular challenge that has become a global problem now; effective disposal of plastic waste. Plastic pollution is particularly predominant in developing countries where its disposal system is virtually nil or ineffective. Under normal circumstances, plastic takes anything between two decades to a few hundred years to fully decompose depending on the product. This can spell disaster for humankind given its negative effect on the environment despite its never-ending applications. Plastic contributes immensely to the modern world without which many of our technicians will come to a standstill. Hence, putting a brake on its production might not be the answer – rather, we need to come up with solutions that can address the challenge of plastic pollution in the coming years effectively.

While many solutions have been proposed over the years, one of the most effective measures to deal with it is the application of biodegradable additive masterbatches during the production of plastic. What makes the usage of this masterbatch a complete game-changer is the fact that it can change the chemical structure and composition of the end product such that it can deliver uncompromised performance through its life cycle and disintegrate completely within a few years once it’s discarded. This effectively solves the problem of plastic pollution while ensuring the products are aesthetically appealing and deliver top performance

There are numerous companies engaged in the production of masterbatches for clients from various industries and business verticals. In addition to having an array of standard mass-produced masterbatches, many companies also offer custom-built products to suit the specific needs of their clients. These masterbatches can provide specific colours to the end product and also impart certain physical and chemical properties to enhance its performance while ensuring it is also decomposable. Blend Colours is one of the industry leaders in this line of work with over two decades of experience to its credit. Our goal is not merely to meet our stakeholder's annual revenue goals but to deliver solutions that can shape the foundation of the industry and help create a more sustainable future for all. Our uncompromising commitment to excellence has been the bedrock of all our achievements over the years. We are an ISO 9001:2015 recognised company and have many other accreditations to our credit such as government-recognised “One Star Export House” and “Two Star Export House” among others. At Blend Colours, we no longer focus on being competitive and have transitioned towards providing a strong organization or the organization to build on so we can keep changing the way we live and work.