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Pickleball, a blend of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, is gaining popularity across the globe. Doubles play, in particular, offers a dynamic and strategic aspect to the game, requiring teamwork, communication, and tactical prowess. At Pickleball Revolution, we aim to help you elevate your doubles game with expert strategies and tips. This comprehensive guide will delve into the nuances of pickleball doubles strategy, helping you and your partner dominate the court.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into advanced strategies, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental rules and positioning in pickleball doubles:

  1. Court Positioning:

    • Serving Team: The server starts in the right service court, and their partner stands diagonally behind the non-volley zone.
    • Receiving Team: One player stands in the right service court, ready to return the serve, while their partner is positioned behind the non-volley zone line.
  2. Serve and Return:

    • The serve must be hit underhand and land in the diagonal service court.
    • The receiving team must let the serve bounce before returning it, and the serving team must let the return bounce before playing it (the double-bounce rule).
  3. Non-Volley Zone:

    • Also known as the “kitchen,” this 7-foot area on either side of the net prohibits volleys. Players can enter the zone only to play a ball that has bounced.

Communication is Key

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful pickleball doubles play. Here’s how to enhance communication with your partner:

  1. Call Shots:

    • Clearly call “mine” or “yours” to avoid confusion and ensure that both players know who is taking the shot.
  2. Positioning:

    • Use verbal cues to inform your partner of your positioning, such as “covering left” or “moving back.”
  3. Encouragement:

    • Positive reinforcement can boost morale and keep you and your partner focused and motivated.

Serve and Return Strategy

  1. Serving:

    • Aim for deep serves to push your opponents back and reduce their offensive options.
    • Vary your serves by mixing in different angles and speeds to keep your opponents guessing.
  2. Returning:

    • Return the serve deep and to the center of the court to limit your opponents’ angles.
    • Use a soft return to give yourself time to advance to the net and establish a strong position.

The Importance of the Third Shot

The third shot in pickleball is crucial, often determining which team gains the advantage. The most effective third shot is the drop shot, which is a soft shot that lands in the opponent’s non-volley zone.

  1. Third Shot Drop:

    • Aim to land the ball just over the net, forcing your opponents to hit up on the ball and reducing their offensive capabilities.
  2. Third Shot Drive:

    • Occasionally, use a hard drive to catch your opponents off guard, especially if they’re expecting a drop shot.

Net Play and Dinking

Controlling the net is a significant advantage in pickleball doubles. Dinking, or hitting soft shots that land in the opponent’s non-volley zone, is a critical skill for net play.

  1. Dinking:

    • Use soft, controlled shots to move your opponents out of position and create opportunities for an aggressive shot.
    • Practice patience and precision, keeping the ball low and avoiding unforced errors.
  2. Net Positioning:

    • Both partners should strive to move to the net as soon as possible, establishing a strong offensive position.
    • Stay close together to cover the court effectively and avoid leaving gaps for your opponents to exploit.

Defensive Strategies

While offense is crucial, having solid defensive strategies can turn the tide in your favor when you’re on the back foot.

  1. Resetting the Point:

    • Use soft shots to regain control and give yourself time to move to a better position.
  2. Lobs:

    • Employ lobs to push your opponents back and create space for your team to advance to the net.
  3. Blocking:

    • When your opponents are attacking, use soft blocks to neutralize their power and regain control of the point.

Partner Dynamics and Positioning

Understanding and utilizing partner dynamics can significantly enhance your doubles play.

  1. Stacking:

    • In this strategy, both players start on the same side of the court, allowing them to stay on their preferred sides. This technique is beneficial if one player has a stronger forehand or backhand.
  2. Switching:

    • Practice switching sides quickly and efficiently after the serve to ensure both players are in their preferred positions.
  3. Poaching:

    • The player nearest the net can “poach” or intercept balls aimed at their partner, applying pressure and creating opportunities for winning shots.

Advanced Tactics

  1. Erne Shot:

    • This advanced move involves stepping outside the sideline and hitting the ball out of the air, just over the net. It’s an aggressive tactic that can surprise opponents but requires precise timing and positioning.
  2. Disguised Shots:

    • Use deception to keep your opponents guessing. For example, set up for a dink and then hit a soft lob, or feint a drive and execute a drop shot.
  3. Footwork:

    • Maintain quick, light footwork to stay agile and ready for any shot. Practicing shuffling and split-step techniques can improve your court coverage and reaction time.

Mental Toughness

Success in pickleball doubles is not just about physical skill; mental toughness plays a critical role.

  1. Stay Positive:

    • Keep a positive attitude, even when things aren’t going your way. Encouraging your partner and maintaining composure can help turn the game around.
  2. Focus:

    • Concentrate on each point, and avoid dwelling on mistakes. Short-term memory and resilience are key to overcoming setbacks and staying in the game.
  3. Adaptability:

    • Be ready to adjust your strategy based on your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses. Flexibility in your game plan can give you a significant edge.


Mastering pickleball doubles strategy involves a blend of communication, tactical play, and mental toughness. By focusing on effective communication, mastering the third shot, controlling the net, and employing both offensive and defensive strategies, you and your partner can become a formidable team on the court. At Pickleball Revolution, we believe that with practice and dedication, you can elevate your doubles game and enjoy the thrilling experience of competitive pickleball.

Stay tuned for more tips, techniques, and strategies from Pickleball Revolution. Happy playing!