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Umrah is derived from Itimaar which means a trip. But, ‘Umrah in Islamic terms, means paying a visit to Ka' bah, performing Tawaaf around it, walking between Safaa and Marwah seven times. A performer of Umrah puts off his Ihraam by having his hair cut or shaved. Umrah can be performed through Umrah Packages from UK and in other days as well. There is no fixed time for Umrah it can be performed during the whole year in any month.

Make Ghusl which means to take shower before taking off, Trim your nails, and remove your extra hair. Whatever prayer is due at the time of journey, make sure it has been prayed in full before setting off Read 2 rakaats of travelling prayer before setting off. When going out of your house or hotel, say Bismillahi, Tawakkaltu, a-lallahi, WA laa hawla wa laa quwatta illah billah which means In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is no might nor power except with Allah.

Wear Ihram before reaching to the Holy Mosque. Men are advised to wear two piece of garments one piece to cover their upper body and other to cover the lower body part. For women there is no specific designed Ihram, their clothes are their Ihram but they are banned to wear face veil and they cannot cover their hands. Then enter with the right foot and make dua to the Allah Almighty. Then start seven rounds around the Kabbah and make sure you are in ablution. Start at the Black Stone, also kiss it if you can, if not then touch it with your right hand, if not then Face the Black Stone and point at it with your right hand. After completing tawaf go to the zamzam well, Make dua before drinking, drink Zamzam water, and pour water over your head, go back to the Black Stone touch it with your right hand.

Then start Sai which are seven rounds between Safa and Marwah Hills having wudu is highly recommended but not necessary. After completing rounds between Safa and Marwah trim or cut your hair, Women are to cut down their hair by a finger tip and men are to shave all their hair, but they can neat it all the way round. Now all Ihraam policy is lifted, and your Umrah is done. May Allah accept your Umrah. Cheap December Umrah Packages Service London is being reported by us now, so you can appreciate Umrah trip with these shoddy bundles.


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