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The proportion of female members in Best coworking spaces has been steadily increasing for several years. In the most recent survey, this figure crossed the 50 percent mark for the first time ever in the history of the world! Although women accounted for approximately 40% of users and coworking space operators' estimates, the figure remained consistent at around 40%, as in previous years.

Is it true that female members are less visible?

Women used coworking spaces on average less frequently than men across all weekdays, which means respondents were more likely to see women in coworking spaces. This is particularly noteworthy because, despite the fact that women constituted the majority of employees, employees (must) have used coworking spaces on a more frequent basis on an everyday basis.

Another possibility is that the explanation is stereotypical. In this case, it is possible that this perception is influenced by a persistent belief that coworking spaces are more likely to be used by men than women.

Employees are only dominant in metropolitan areas.

Freelancers have maintained their position as the largest group of members in coworking spaces around the world (42 percent ). Considering the growing number of coworking spaces that are renting out entire floors to businesses and their employees, this is surprising. This pattern, on the other hand, did not appear in all locations.

The majority of coworking spaces in megacities were occupied by employees. When looking at different continents, employees made up the majority of the population in Asia and North America. Freelancers, on the other hand, predominated in medium and small towns across Europe and around the world.

If members made the decision to use a coworking space on their own, it was likely that slightly more than half of those members were self-employed.

If a coworking space for a member was chosen as a place of employment by someone else, nearly 85 percent of those members worked as employees.

Programmers continue to constitute the largest minority.

In terms of occupation, one in every five members worked in the information technology sector, which is a slight decrease from the previous analysis two years ago. The second most important area, public relations and marketing, has also seen a slight decline in favor of consulting professions (3rd place) and design professions (4th place) (4th place).

Overall, the results were virtually identical to those of previous years. The survey methods could also account for the majority of the differences. Members, for example, were given the option to respond openly rather than being presented with 500 response options. Certain occupations, particularly consulting professions, were difficult to distinguish from one another. In addition, some people worked in more than one profession.

IT occupations were the most common among men, with one in every three men employed in this field. Women were more likely than men to be found in the fields of public relations and marketing, as well as design.

Members over the age of 50 were more likely to work as consultants, whereas members under the age of 50 were more likely to work in PR & Marketing or Design. In the IT professions, on the other hand, there were nearly as many members under the age of 40 as there were members over the age of 40.

Members didn't seem to have aged much… statistically speaking

The group's average age was 36 years old, according to the data. However, there was a greater proportion of younger and older people working in coworking spaces than in the past, as measured by age distribution.

In total, 80 percent had received a university education, which was significantly lower than the national average in previous years. College and bachelor's degrees were earned by a greater proportion of members under the age of 35, many of whom may still be able to complete a master's degree.

The proportion of married people increased as the population grew older. Despite this, the proportion of members who were already in committed relationships but were not married increased as a result of the study. As a result, the proportion of singles decreased overall.


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