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MINDSCAN — DMIT Test for Students

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Dermatoglyphics Multiple intelligence Test (DMIT) conducted by MINDSCAN, is a set of assessment systems developed by scientists and medical experts based on Genetics, Embryology, Dermatoglyphics, Neuroscience and Paediatric Psychology through methods of observation, record, comparison and summarization in combination with clinical experience. MINDSCAN DMIT report helps the guide/mentor to understand the innate characteristics and effective communication mode of the student. It highlights the most appropriate learning habits from young age and can drastically improve the learning ability of an individual. It can also help the guide/mentor to develop and sharpen multiple intelligence that an individual is born with. Thus, it will be easy to improve their weakness during learning process, in order to achieve all round development. Using this report the parent/mentor can provide education or training to students accordingly- recognizing, understanding & respecting individual differences. It can be done for a person from the age of 2 years to 70 years.

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