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Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Hypoallergenic Comforter

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Getting a good night's sleep is everyone's top priority. If you suffer from allergies, there are several hypoallergenic comforters available to protect you from dust bites, mildew, and other common allergens. Having so many options can be overwhelming if you're not familiar with the different types. This article will help guide you to make the best decision for your health, as well as advice on how not to lose comfort or sacrifice quality.

1. Not Doing Enough Research

Hypoallergenic or non-allergenic comforters are made with different types of fabric. The most common ones are wool, down, and silk – and some product descriptions may be deceiving if they don't include other elements. Check out some customer reviews when you're looking at different types and make sure the comforter isn't made with fibers that accomplish the opposite of what you need. For instance, polyester may be named in the fine print, which could end up being not exactly the product you're looking for. Waterproof comforters offer an extra layer of protection against mildew. If it's not listed in the title of the product, you may need to read further to make sure it's available.

2. Not Considering Cleaning

Any type of hypoallergenic comforter you buy will need to be washed frequently. If the material is poorly manufactured, it may fall apart in only one wash and seams of the comforter can easily rip and the filling, fall out. Look for items with high durability for the long-term since you'll be sleeping with it every night or using it as a throw blanket for your couch. Also consider that if you have any pets, the comforter will likely be washed more often and could wear out quickly.

3. Not Holding the Fabric

It is tempting and easy to buy hypoallergenic comforters online, and you can't beat the convenience. If you're not someone who loves to shop, this can be a challenge. You can do plenty of research; but unless you actually feel the material and different fabrics, it's hard to tell which one you'll fall in love with, and that's only from the sole perspective of holding it in your hands. Again, product reviews from the company may be deceiving. So, to determine the hypoallergenic effectiveness, hold it up to your face and see how your allergies handle it.

4. Examine Weather Differences

If you live in a warm climate area, you'll want to avoid materials that get too hot. Conversely, if you live in a cold climate area, you'll want to avoid materials that stay too cool during the night. Look for a product that offers a blend of material for your winter and summer needs. Many companies make a special “summer” blend of their own brand. In most regions, spring is the worst time of the year as allergens are at their highest. You may need additional products (such as a mattress and/or pad, pillows, and dust mite covers) which add to cost and weight.

Finally, don't rush your hypoallergenic comforter purchase. You deserve a healthy, comfortable, and solid night's sleep. Allergens are not only found in the bedroom though and it's possible you think you're allergic to one thing and in fact, allergic to something different. When considering your hypoallergenic comforter, think about your specific situation to avoid buying something that doesn't fit your needs.

About Author

Sleep & Beyond offer a variety of Hypoallergenic Comforter from Wool Organics so you can have an organic Hypoallergenic Mattress Pad with the desired balance of support, softness, and protection you need for a healthful sleep.


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