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We all know that how important mobile phones have become in today's date. If you are curious to know that what are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones then you have landed at the right place. In this article, we are going to discuss all the parameters and will understand that how mobile phones can be a great tool if you use it in a right manner.

Mobile phones run only on two software android or iOS which is used in apple iPhones. A recent study shows that more than 70% adults in America use mobile phones with internet access. Now, you can imagine that how popular this device has become. Many people are against and in favor to use the mobile phones, but we need to understand that what is the reality.

Is using mobile phone really bad for us or the picture is something else. We are here to explain you each and everything about this concept. 

4 disadvantages of using mobile phones

1) Eyes sight problem- We all have become addicted to use the mobile phones. If you really want to know this point then do one thing put your phone side only for 15mins and you will see that you hand automatically go inside of your pocket to find the phone. This is called addiction. Using phone maximum of time may damage your eye sight and it a proven fact.

Radiation which comes out of the screen of mobile has harmful particles which pinch the sensitive portion of your eyes and you feel a pain or tiredness in you eyes or sometimes a bundle of tears start dropping from your eyes.

2) Privacy- All of us has stored a data in our phone in bulk. We have some personal things or private information in our phone. It's not a big task for any hacker to hack your phone and steal your data. We are totally depend on our mobile phone which may cause a big problem. This is one of the biggest disadvantage of using mobile phone that it our privacy is not private anymore.

Try to avoid to store personal data in your phone it will help you from being cheated on.

3) Low focus power- It has observed that people who are too much into their phone have less pocus power and they find it very difficult to stay focus on any work for the longer period of time. Our mind is box of information which we collect by seeing, hearing or experienced. 

So, whatever you see, hear or experienced is exactly your reflection. Internet is a hub of information and we keep searching something all the time, going over the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or many other are the hub of data. Sometimes the information which we are consuming is not good for us and might distract us from our goal.

4) Hinder sleep- It has been observed that people who are addicted to their phone are those people who find very difficult to sleep at night. We don't realize this thing but mobile phones addiction has caused us many health issues.  Laying down on the bed and using phone in a bad posture may rise the problem of cervical in our body.

We suffer a body pain sometimes without any wound, we feel weakness and not find ourselves at the good mood. All these problems are cause of phone addiction.

4 advantages of using mobile phones

1) Communication- As we all know that how easy it has become for us to talk to the people. We don't have to write an letter and then keep waiting that the letter will reach to the person and we will get the reply after a month of few weeks later. 

Now, having phone is like to be with loved once all the time. If you want to talk to someone you can call them, text, video call, email etc., Social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn have become the huge place to social with those people who you don't know.

2) Access of information- We are living in an era where information is available free of cost. Now search engines like google, yahoo, duckduckgo or many more the biggest source of information. You should have internet access in your phone and you can easily find whatever you are looking for.

If you are a employee in an organization and a project is being assigned to you and you have some confusion with some point at that time you can simply go to the google and find your queries.

3) Business- Many people operate their business with the help of their mobile phones. Small business man or bigger giants in market manage to look over their business performance in their phone. Some softwares are available which are friendly in your phone with the help of them you can run a business.

4) Be updated- As we know that we all have internet access in our phone. We can find anything or be updated all new news or updates all over the world. If you stay in India even then also you can be aware that what exactly is happening in USA.

If you know that how to use the mobile phones effectively then this is one of the most powerful creation of humans, but if you are using it as addiction then no one can save you from going to be an addicted.





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