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With the continued shift toward greener energy sources, one of the hottest topics is battery storage. As we know, solar panels by themselves can only generate usable power while the sun is shining. That is, of course, unless you have battery storage options. This principle applied to residential solar systems is exactly the same for larger renewable energy projects. Solar energy can only be fed into the main electricity grid while the sun is shining.

As a result, we’re seeing more and more big battery projects being announced, with the idea that these systems will help Australia harness the power of solar energy at all times of day and night. One of the leaders in this space is Edify Energy, in conjunction with Shell Energy which has signed a long-term services agreement to deliver battery energy storage solutions.

The new projects

The new battery energy storage projects announced by Edify Energy will be a combined 150MW/300MWh effort which is set to complement the existing renewable operations in the Riverina region of New South Wales. This new battery project will include the 60MW/120MWh Riverina Energy Storage System 1, the 65MW/130MWh Riverina Energy Storage System 2 and the 25MW/50MWh Darlington Point Energy Storage System.

All systems will connect to the Transgrid network via the Darlington Point Substations, and is set to complement the Darlington Point Solar Farm that Edify Energy is also involved with.

Tesla batteries were chosen for the new project

Edify has used Tesla products before, most notably in the Gannawarra Energy Storage System located in Victoria. While that was a 35MW/50MWh project, the new combined battery systems represent a much higher capacity of storage.

Edify’s Chief Executive John Cole considers the opportunity to once again work with Tesla as an exciting milestone in the switch to renewable energy sources.

Technology driving change

Cole has highlighted the fact that technological advancements are a key driver to overcome some of the existing roadblocks on our journey toward renewable energy. He was quick to point out that battery energy storage, and the evolution of the technology, is one of the biggest advantages as we scale up our renewable energy capabilities.

“Energy storage is rapidly becoming a valued capacity solution for the National Electricity Market,” Cole continued, “given its fast and precise response and technical capability. The pace of advancement in this growing technology class is exciting and with it a breaking of the barriers to acceptance from market and network participants.”

If you’d like to know more about solar panel and battery package for your home, contact Halcol Energy today!

Source URL: https://halcolenergy.com.au/solar-news/more-australian-big-battery-projects-to-use-tesla-megapacks/

