Moroccan women contribute to 20% to the national workforce

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As per Moroccan news reports, Moroccan women’s participation in the labor market is only 20% in the year 2020 which is quite low compared to great improvements that have been taken for empowering girls’ education.

The planning commission of Morocco published an annual report on the status of Moroccan women with the tagline “Moroccan women in figures”. This news was published on October 15, Friday. This new version of the publication is basically a collection of statistical data that describes the status and the present situation of Moroccan women residing in various areas based on infographics and graphs.

In this special report, various topics related to the women's workforce and education were highlighted. Along with this, the focus was also given to the participation of Moroccan women in the national workforce. The planning Commission of Morocco has indicated in the report that the participation of women in the labor market 2020 is only 20% which is quite low compared to the data that shows girls’ enrollment in schools and colleges during these consecutive years.

As per the reports, around 19.9% of Moroccan women are now active in the Moroccan workforce as compared to men that stand at 70.4% for men. The report has also included some other data such as 47.3% of women work as employees in various public and private sector organizations, 17.7% women are self-employed and 35% women are engaged in unpaid jobs.

The major employment sectors of Moroccan women are fishing, forestry, and agriculture. Around 44.8% of women are working in these sectors. The second-largest employer for Moroccan women is the service industry. The service field is comprised of industry and handicrafts sectors. The participation of women in the handicraft sector is 14.2 %.

The involvement of women in fishery and agricultural sectors represents around 36% as compared to men that stand at 12.6%. In private sector companies, 8.6% of women work as managers, executives, and liberal professionals compared to men that stand at 3.8% only. Moroccan food is popular all over the world. Moroccan women participate in food production as well. However, their percentage is quite low as compared to men. Despite a small portion of Moroccan women's involvement in the labor industry, the monetary poverty rate of the country decreased from 3.9% in the year 2014 to 1% in the year 2019. A similar kind of improvement has also been noticed in the rural sectors as the economic vulnerability rate decreases from 8.2% to 4.8% in urban areas and 17.4% to 12.4% in rural areas.

The percentage of women-owned businesses rise to 12.8% in the year 2019. As per the size of the company, the percentage of women in small and medium sector businesses is more than the rest of the sectors. In the year 2020, women represent almost half of the population of the country that is 18,045,000 female citizens.

The report focuses on one of the main sectors was the unfortunate incidents that include violence against women in the country. As per the reports, around 57% of women become victims of various types of violent acts in the year 2019.

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