1. Health

Most Frequently Asked Question-related to BenzaRid

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 What is BenzaRid?

BenzaRid is a Hospital-Grade disinfectant that is proven to destroy Avian Influenza H1N1, H5N1 virus, MRSA, HIV/ AIDS, HSV 1 & 2, Hepatitis B & C, and Human Coronavirus after 10-minutes of surface contact. For fungicidal performance, BenzaRid Hospital Grade Sanitizers are effective on hard, non-porous surfaces with a 10-minute contact time against Candida, Albicans, & Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Athlete's foot fungus/cause of Ringworm), making it the perfect option for gym mats and dojos.

  1. What is BenzaRid made of?

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Octyl Decyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride….0.026% Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride…..0.013% Dioctyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride……0.013% Alkyl (C14, 50%; C12, 40%; C16, 10%) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride……0.034% INERT INGREDIENTS:……99.914% TOTAL……100.000%

  1. How do I apply BenzaRid?

Apply undiluted solution with a brush, cloth, sponge, or mechanical spray device so as to wet all surfaces thoroughly to clean and disinfect. Let stand ten minutes after application. All BenzaRid products come with a spray device included.

  1. What areas of my home/business are safe to apply BenzaRid?

This all-purpose cleaning solution is great for every home and commercial setting for executing cleaning responsibilities for a safe and germ-free environment. For heavily soiled areas, a preliminary cleaning is required. This formula works great on walls, floors, and other hard, non-porous surfaces such as chairs, counter-tops, sinks, glazed tile, glazed porcelain, and even bed frames.

  1. What kind of facilities is BenzaRid made for?

BenzaRid is made for facilities of any size and comes in a variety of sizes: 1. BenzaRid 32 oz Hospital Grade Disinfectant Great For An Apartment Or Small Home (1-3 Rooms) -Kitchens -Bathrooms -Bedrooms -Living rooms -Floors -Car Interiors 2. BenzaRid 1 Gallon Hospital Grade Disinfectant  Great For Medium to Large Homes (4-8 Rooms) -Countertops -Tables -Cabinets -Furniture -Car Seats -Headboards 3. BenzaRid 4 Gallon Set 4. BenzaRid 5 Gallon Pail 5. BenzaRid 55 Gallon Drum Hospital Grade Disinfectant Great For Large Buildings, Large Spaces -Hospitals -Lobbies -Child Care Centers -Restaurants -Industrial-Sized Kitchens

  1. What does it mean to have an “approved kill claim?”

Once a disinfectant gets official EPA approval, it allows us to legally promote the disinfecting virus-killing claims on our product's packaging and advertising.

  1. How much of this would you need to use in a fogger?

Unfortunately, this is a subjective question because it depends on a number of factors. The amount of BenzaRid needed varies widely depending on the types of fogger used, as well as taking into consideration the size of the room or area to be fogged. For instance, a 20’x 20’ room might only need to fog for 20 minutes vs a warehouse, which could potentially need hours to run. It really all hinges on the flow rates of the fogger and the size of the area. For that same reason, the quantity is also very subjective. Most contractors who fog for sterilization and disinfection start with 1-2 gallons in smaller rooms/areas as opposed to a warehouse, which could take several 5-gallon pails or more. You must wear N95/P100 organic vapor respirators if staying with the machine for any length of time. Once the fogging is finished, air out the area and allow the space-time to dry. Once the dry process is complete, the space is safe to be used right away.

If you have any questions related to BenzaRid and BenzaRid products visit our official site https://benzarid.com.




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