1. Health

Mouth Cancer: Everything You Should Know

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Mouth Cancer Introduction

Oral cancer is prevalent in India, ranking sixth among all cancers and being the most prevalent among men. India may become the “mouth cancer capital of the world” due to the severe burden of this disease. This article delves into the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and other aspects of oral cancer. Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, is a common form of cancer in India. It involves the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in any part of the mouth.

Mouth Cancer FAQs

1.What is mouth cancer?

2.What are the types of mouth cancer?

3.What are the causes and risk factors for mouth cancer?

4.What is a precancerous lesion?

5.What are the symptoms of mouth cancer?

To Know More: Mouth Cancer

Health Commune 

Email Id: connect@healthcommune.in

Website: https://www.healthcommune.in


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