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Replicas (2018) tells the story of a scientist, William Foster (played by Keanu Reeves), who utilizes memory transfer and cloning technology to restore his life that was destroyed by fate.

William, a biomedical scientist at Bionyne Corporation, develops a memory transfer system for robots with his coworker, Ed Whittle (played by Thomas Middleditch).

They try to transfer memories from a deceased human donor to a robot, but the experiment does not yield the desired results.

The robot that receives the human memories goes haywire and self-destructs.

Under pressure from the company's boss, Jones (played by John Ortiz), William and Ed are asked to complete their research immediately.

Amidst this pressure, William takes his family, including his wife Mona and their three children, on vacation. Ed warns that if the research is not completed, the company will be shut down.

However, their vacation turns into tragedy when William's family gets into a fatal car accident. His wife and three children are killed, leaving William shocked and full of despair.

In his quest to stay with his family, William proposes the idea of transferring the memories of his deceased family into a robot of his creation.

With the support of Ed, who is actually involved in the company's human cloning project, William embarks on this secret project.

However, the consequences of his actions bring unexpected and complex repercussions in the future.

The movie is directed by Jeffrey Nachmanoff with a screenplay by Chad St. John, based on a story by Stephen Hamel.

With a budget of around US$30 million, Replicas stars Keanu Reeves, Alice Eve, Thomas Middleditch, and John Ortiz, with cameos from Aria Leabu, Emily Alyn Lind, and Emjay Anthony.

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