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It sounds like you're describing the characteristics and attributes of fresh mozzarella cheese, which indeed is a beloved cheese known for its soft texture and delicate flavor. It's fascinating how its production has evolved over time, with cow's milk becoming a prevalent choice alongside traditional buffalo milk.

The description captures its visual appeal, texture, and suitability for various dishes like salads and vegetable preparations. Fresh mozzarella's nutritional profile is also highlighted, emphasizing its richness in protein and vitamins while being low in carbohydrates.

It's interesting to note that you mentioned Bulgaria as the origin, as mozzarella is more commonly associated with Italian cuisine. However, the global popularity of this cheese has led to its production in various regions, each offering its own twist on the traditional recipe.

The packaging details you provided, such as individual plastic packs or plastic boxes containing 8-12 pieces, offer practical information for consumers interested in purchasing the product.

Overall, your description provides a comprehensive overview of fresh mozzarella, from its origins to its composition and packaging, highlighting its versatility and appeal to a wide range of culinary preferences.

Mozzarella Cheese, White Cheese, Fresh mozzarella