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Must Know Facts About WordPress

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WordPress is a big thing these days. It can easily be considered as one of the most powerful and fascinating platforms so far. In 2018, WordPress has officially crossed powering more than 30% of the websites which makes it the most dominating CMS of all times. Some of the largest sites in the world have been made on WordPress which again makes it one of the most desirable and impressive platforms than others. Therefore, on this 15th Anniversary of WordPress, we decided to present to you some interesting and fascinating facts about WordPress that you might not be known so far. So all the WordPress lovers and enthusiasts, let us know these WordPress Facts.

Introduction to WordPress

WordPress Facts1. WordPress is the largest Content Management System so far. It powers 30.7% of the world’s website.

The name WordPress was coined by Christine Tremoule and the famous WordPress Logo was designed by Santa Maria in the year 2005.

WordPress is older than Facebook and Twitter and the first version of WordPress WordPress 0.7 was introduced on May 27th May 2003 which completes 15 years this 27th May 2018.

According to w3techs.com, WordPress commands 60% of the CMS market share and it has been downloaded 77.3 million times, and counting.

WordPress is completely open source and free that means anyone in the world can download it and use as well as customize its source code.

It is not owned by any company. The co-founder of WordPress Matt Mullenweg created WordPress foundation. He sleeps for only 6 hours a day to make his day more productive.

There are about 179 translations of WordPress available. (Source: WordPress.org)

All of the WordPress releases have been named after different Jazz Artists.

Around 42% of all the WordPress online stores run on famous WooCommerce.(Source: Builtwith.com)

Usage Statistics:

 WordPress plugins downloads crossed 1.48 Billion total downloads in 2016. (Source: wpbeginner)
95.0% of all the websites that use WordPress use version 4 (Source: w3techs.com)
 52.7% of WordPress websites are running version 4.9 (Source: WordPress.org)
 Automattic employees 581 people who also work on a large number of projects besides WordPress. (Source: Automattic)
 WordPress.com users produce about 76.3 million new posts and 42.7 million new comments each month.
 English downloads are now officially surpassed by non-English downloads of WordPress software.
A number of Fortune 500 companies use WordPress. (Source: WordPress.com)
 50,000 WordPress.com websites are launched daily. (Source: DMR)
 About 60% of WordPress sites are up to date (Source: w3techs.com)
 Over 30% of WordPress users are still using a version of PHP that is lower than 5.6. (Source: wordpress.org)

Events and communities

WordPress Facts

 The first WordCamp was organized in San Francisco by Matt Mullenweg in 2006.
As of May 2018, 843 WordCamp has been organized in 65 countries and 70 cities across the 6 continents. (Source: wordcamp.org)
 In 2017, there were 128 WordCamp events in 48 countries attended by over 41,000 WordPress users. (Source: WordPress.org)
 All WordCamp speakers are unpaid volunteers.
There are 1355 meetup groups for WordPress all over the world. (Source: meetup.com)
Wappuu is the unofficial WordPress mascot.
 The WordPress wiggle is the unofficial dance
WordPress has 38 273 commits by 43 contributors so far. (Source: Github.com)

Themes and Plugins

WordPress Facts1.  There are over 11 400 WordPress themes on Themeforest as at May 2018. (Source: Themeforest.net)

2.  The average premium theme costs $59. (Source: CodeinWP.com)

3.  There are 55,000+ plugins for WordPress. And these are just the ones available for free in the official plugin directory There are thousands of other plugins available on sites like Codecanyon, Github

4.  Akismet is the most popular WordPress plugin with over 102 million downloads. In second place is Yoast SEO with over 101 million downloads, while the Contact Form 7 plugin comes in at third place with over 79 million downloads.

5.  WordPress plugins have been downloaded total over 1.5 billion times. (Source: WPBeginner.com)

6. Visual Composer and Slider Revolution are some of the best selling paid plugins. ( Source: Skilled)

7.  Hello Dolly, the iconic WordPress plugin displays lyrics of the song by Louis Armstrong. (Source: wpbeginner.com)

8.  WordPress community runs sister projects like bbPress, BuddyPress and GlotPress.

9.  WordPress has a built-in Auto-update system. It also has a built-in multisite feature. It allows you to create a network of websites using the same WordPress installation

Wrapping Up

WordPress is one of the most popular platforms and is continuously growing in present times such as the Gutenberg editor that is planned to be introduced. There is much more to WordPress than just these facts. I hope you found this article interesting. If you know anymore facts about WordPress then let us know in the comment section below. We would love to add it up in our article.

The post Must Know Facts About WordPress appeared first on Wbcom Designs.


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