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Myths on Online Language Learning Platforms you Should Know

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If you haven't tried learning a language online, you are probably confused. Should you choose online language learning platforms, or is traditional schooling better? People will make you believe in many myths that may affect your decision. 

Online learning has become the new normal. If you aren't sure it is meant for you, let us crack some common myths. You will clarify what is right for you when learning a language. 

Let us know The myths of online language learning platforms

Want to know what myths are circulating online language learning platforms? Here are the top 4 myths, very common and can affect your decision to seek online classes.

Myths 1: Online language learning is expensive

You will be surprised to know that online language learning platforms offer highly affordable pricing. Most people believe that learning a language online is basically about spending a lot. But, you only pay per session, and the quicker you know, the lesser you pay. 

You save a lot of expenses without traveling and even save time. Learning online discovers your free applications, videos, blogs to read. You only pay for the online tutor. 

Myths 2: Quality is Low

Only because the sessions are online doesn't make the language learning session uninspiring. Online learning platforms want to create a remarkable presence, and they look for their reputation more than ever. Therefore, they only hire tutors that are skilled, experienced, and authorized. 

You also learn from native speakers to better understand the language. This is how you can expect the quality of online tutoring to be highly professional and fun. 

Myth 3: It's only for Tech lovers

Knowing how to operate a laptop or a mobile device is enough to learn a language. You don't have to know the advanced tech features of the device. 

Online language learning platforms are way too simple to use. And the online session is more like watching a Youtube video, only that it's interactive. 

Myths 4: Concentration is hard

It is somehow upon the individual ability to concentrate if the tutor keeps the session engaging, interactive. 

There won't be any distraction if you attend the session in a comfortable place, with no people around. You are likely to concentrate more.

Myth 5: I won't find anyone to talk

Having to learn online is a chance to meet professionals who are native speakers. Those are one of the best options for you to talk to. You can communicate and enhance your language learning with them. 

Indeed, you can't make friends in a traditional classroom setting. But, you can always have a way of interacting with new tutors, and understanding language clearly, and making the most of the session. 


Do you want to learn a language and don't know the right online language learning platforms? At Evopry, you can meet professional tutors,native-speaking tutors and learn in one-to-one sessions. Improvise your language learning, be it French, English, or Arabic, whatever options you are looking into.