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The word “summer” conjures up images of backyard cookouts, beach bonfires, and rooftop parties; yet, what do all of these activities have in common? Bug bites! When you're trying to decrease the number of chemicals, you put in, on, or around your body, it might seem like a lost struggle to stop nature's smallest creatures from spoiling your pleasure in the great outdoors. This is particularly true if you're trying to avoid using insect repellents. Organic essential oil bug repellants are here to save the day.

It's been connected to anything from skin irritation to allergic responses to disorientation, not to mention other, more significant health risks. Natural insect sprays are less likely to irritate delicate skin and are a better option for pregnant women, babies, and toddlers.

Because of the potential for skin irritation and the unpleasant sticky feeling that comes with chemical sprays, many individuals choose to use essential oils and other natural components instead of synthetic pesticides.

Many of the components included in natural insect repellents also have additional benefits for the skin, such as relaxing or moisturizing effects, and they often have a nice odor.

Experience a pleasant summer with organic bug spray!

Organic bug spray is the only viable delivery method for natural insect repellents. Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, and, to a lesser degree, citronella is the active components in bug sprays that have the most significant percentage of effectiveness in warding off insects.

Coconut oil and goat's milk are used to formulate this organically produced, professionally made product. It also contains citronella and oil of lemon eucalyptus, which work together to repel insects before you've even finished getting dressed after your shower.


In contrast to their synthetic and chemical counterparts, natural bug sprays include bug-repelling substances such as essential oils, which are designed to cover up odors and particular pH levels that are known to attract insects. So, if you want to buy the best bug repellent, order it today from Body Guard Bug Spray. Hurry Up!

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