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Navigating Through Unspoken Social Rules And Norms Of Parenting

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Most stereotypes are socially dictated by the environment in which we live. They often appear in close connection with the group we belong to, then with the community in which we live, and last but not least with what we call the “culture” in which we are born. Stereotypes are difficult to change and are often perpetuated and passed down from generation to generation.
You may be wondering how these stereotypes appear, even though you never set out to impose a certain style on your child. The answer is simple: the fear of being yourself in a social category. Would you let your child go to school one morning, dressed in the clothes he wants, even if they do not fit at all with each other? Would you dress your little boy in pink clothes if he wanted to?
One of the top CBSE schools in Kolkata draws attention to how gender stereotypes influence children's education:
No skills or interests of the child are capitalized – A stereotype like “Girls don't play cricket, only boys” doesn't allow girls who could become champions in this sport to use and take advantage of their native abilities. The same goes for ballet, in the case of boys who are not allowed to practice it because it turns them into “girls”.
Disproportionate demands on children of certain sex appear – “Boys are not allowed to cry”, “Girls must be tidy / learn to cook/take care of cleaning”, “Boys must be strong and girls delicate, “Boys are better at math/science than girls.”
BDMI, one of the best schools in Kolkata cbse recommends avoiding gender stereotypes when raising your child. Talk to the child about preconceived notions. Explain to him or her that people have adopted certain ideas or “rules” about how it is “normal” for a boy to behave and how a girl to behave, but that these ideas are constantly changing and that each of them we have the right to choose, beyond these stereotypes. Accept your child's emotions, whatever they may be. The boys are suffering too, so they feel the need to cry too. This attitude teaches the child to accept his feelings and to recognize and accept them to those around him.
Sensitive topics or, as they are also called, taboo topics, are not discussed much in most families and schools, but according to the advice of psychologists from top cbse schools in Kolkata, these topics should be discussed with young people from an early age, even in the classroom. And the approach should be natural and at their level of understanding.
Out of a desire to raise “strong” boys, parents and other adults in the child's life decide that “Boys don't cry.” and act accordingly, discouraging this behaviour. It's hard for you, as a parent raised under the motto “it's a shame to cry if you're a boy”, to raise your child differently. You may worry about the reaction of those around you if they see your boy crying or expressing his emotions, or you may be wondering if this is the only way to encourage your child to be “weak.” Slowly but surely, things are changing, stereotypes are being overcome and people understand the importance of emotions in the life of each of us.
At many cbse school at Kolkata, discussions about race membership take place starting from kindergarten, when the child first notices that there are differences between people. At BDMI, one of the best schools in Kolkata cbse, we teach that people are different and constantly create the opportunity for the children to meet people from other cultures, other religions.
All children would like to be able to discuss sensitive topics with their parents. But they will only do so if they feel that we are open to their questions. It is up to us to create a climate of trust.
For many parents, the subject of romantic relationships between teenagers is one of the most dangerous and delicate topics, difficult to approach with consistency and empathy.
Another taboo of the relationship between parents and children is related to nudity and intimate areas. Especially between parents and children of the opposite sex, there comes a time when parents feel the need to censor, to limit touch, comfort, and evidence of affection. Sometimes, the initiative is of the child, who begins to no longer want to be taken in his arms, kissed, tickled, who begins to claim his privacy.
Unfortunately, in many families, sexuality is a taboo subject, supported by the idea that both sex and sexuality are shameful. Parents have a hard time addressing this issue, waiting for the right time when the child is older. This hesitation increases the child's interest in sexuality, but also creates a state of confusion at the same time, making him look for all sorts of information that is often incomplete and erroneous.
Dear parents, it is important to know that everything you consider taboo, on the contrary, generates the greatest curiosity. The children will ask, look for and use in their communication what you are afraid to tell them when they ask you. The best cbse school at Kolkata recommends explaining to children about sexual development and sex depending on age and maturity. If not parents or relatives at home, then it will be done by gang friends, older friends, or the Internet. Whatever the source of information outside the home or school, it can create misleading images and misinterpretations for the child.
Sex, drug use, or violence are just some of the most sensitive topics that very few parents discuss with their children. The fear or embarrassment of talking openly with our sons and daughters can cost us dearly. Without enough information, they can get into the most dangerous situations.


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