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Need of proper management of biomedical equipment and supplies

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Patient care is always the prime concern of medical facilities, like hospitals and clinics. However, to properly care for the patients, proper purchase, maintenance and management of biomedical equipment is extremely vital. Important biomedical supplies needed by hospitals are pretty dynamic in nature, and can range from items like Draeger Adult SPO2 to complex ECG systems.

The key reason why smart purchase and upkeep is needed for biomedical equipment is to make sure that these machines and tools are able to last as long as possible, while working with high efficiency and effectiveness. Investing in OEM PHILIPS supplies and other tools helps hospitals to make sure that their equipment runs smoothly, and gets the needed repairs whenever required. This ultimately lowers the odds of requiring brand new equipment.

During Covid-19, many hospitals faced issues because their biomedical equipment and devices are not well maintained. They had the equipment needed to care for the patients, but these tools weren’t in a usable condition. As a result, the level of care these hospitals could provide to the patients suffered. While the instance of Covid-19 pandemic is certainly a worst-case scenario, in the field of medicine one can never be too prepared.

Having a systematic process in place to manage Philips Medical Equipment helps in optimizing all phases in the useful life of these devices. . A typical life cycle approach that was traditionally developed for major medical equipment, also applies to non-major but essential medical devices and may be extended to additional devices.


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