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New Age Director Vipin Kapoor’s Movie To Be Released In October 2022

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Director Vipin Kapoor Jaggu ki Lalten is one of the year's most anticipated films and one of the most promising movies for the rest of 2022. His skill at creating fully-fleshed characters can make some of the most mundane and unrealistic stories connect to the audience so that they question the nature of their beings.

Jaggu ki Lalten is a movie that shows us that it doesn't matter where you are or who you are. You can always do something great by choosing a good way and making the movie shine in moral values. The movie stars Raghubir Yadav and Dr. Neeraj Gupta. The film also benefits from the performances of actors Raaj Gopal Iyer, Akriti Bharti, Saleem Zaidi, Rambir Aryam, RJ Rocky, Sudheer Rathi, dancer Namrata Malla, singer Mamta Sharma, singer Mohit Chopra, singer Mika Singh, and child actor Biren Dang.

Actor Neeraj Gupta said, “Vipin is my favourite filmmaker of all time. When it all comes down to layered writing and gut-wrenching character introspections, he's one of the best working directors today.

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