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Gone are the days when putting up a website on the internet required a set of specialised coding skills. Times are changing and so is coding. Nowadays, anyone can build and launch a website in a matter of hours. No complex programming or coding is required.

Thanks to the no-code movement, the web design and development industry is taking off. The recent explosion is the outcome of decades of hard work that cannot be ignored. Let’s get to know ‘no-code development’ a bit more in this blog post.

What is no-code?

If you are not into the technical side of web development, no-code development is your thing. According to our web development agency in Melbourne, no-code, in a broader way, is the ability to do any computation or software development without using any code. It lets non-programmers develop websites or applications without even writing codes. You can build visually with a graphical interface and configuration. Drag and drop to do computations without worrying about the programming part. Just use your own logic, that’s it!

Why no-code development?

For businesses, web or app development can be frustrating when everything is done manually. This often hinders progress and productivity. The no-code movement removes the barrier by making the web development process accessible. It is your ultimate opportunity to build whatever marketplace set-up you want without thinking of technicalities. Below are the key benefits of using a no-code approach for 2022 web development.

  • Faster and easier development

We have said this before and we will repeat it – no-code development is very easy to use. It’s so intuitive that even a high school kid can use it. On top of that, no-code development is very fast. A simple website or app won’t take more than a few hours. On the other hand, the timeline of traditional development can extend significantly from one month to many.

  • Lower development cost

In the world of no-coding, user interfaces are simple. All you need to do is, drag and drop different development components to create beautiful-looking websites. You may need some basic skills to handle the development process, but nothing that requires complex coding skills or training. This allows you to avoid outsourcing or hiring IT professionals to tackle more complicated tasks, ultimately saving time and money for the organisation.

  • Quicker maintenance

Maintenance is often intimidating and lengthy when you have to take care of different technical tasks. However, no-code development is different as it promotes codeless maintenance. You don’t even have to be a programmer to make updates and changes to your software.

  • Better shadow IT management

Shadow IT projects are managed outside of the IT department, such as cloud services. This often causes headaches and introduces security vulnerabilities to businesses. No-code facilitates development with the collaboration of the IT department. Unlike traditional development that comes with predefined options, it lets you keep a check on shadow IT, allowing you to govern without barriers.

The bottom line: The future is codeless

While it is unlikely that no-code will completely replace traditional coding, website development will only continue to get simpler, easier and more accessible in the coming years. No-code development will open new doors for businesses and non-coders to enter the profession of web design and development without requiring them to spend months learning how to program or code. So, be ready for the codeless future.


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