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We love our infants more than ourselves and these little angels needs to be taken a lot of care When we choose clothing for our little one's we have to be careful too, we must check for three things while buying clothing:

  • Safety
  • Comfort
  • Convenience

Babies are happy when they are comfortable. Their movement shouldn't be restricted by any clothing because they like to move around.

The clothing must be easy to dress up because babies are always busy and dressing them up quickly is beneficial for any parent.

Your chosen clothing must be safe for your baby too. A little thing like buttons can also cause severe problems like choking so you have to take care of every little thing. There shouldn't be any drawstring which can result in strangling.

Also must check the material of a clothing before buying it. Synthetic materials are unsuitable for babies. It can cause skin irritation and rashes. You won't like to see your angel suffering so always prefer cotton clothings.

Baby clothing needs to be easily accessible and simple.

Jellyfishkids.com understands how sensitive the little souls are so has brought you the top quality Baby Clothes Cyprus.


Swimtime has it's importance for little ones.

This improves their muscle strength and also develops the sense of control at a young age.Indulging your baby on swimming will have a very positive effect on them in future and also you're protecting them against drowning.For all these you'll need a swimwear for your baby and we have a variety of it.

If you're looking for Boys Swimwear Cyprus you just need to visit our website


We know the value of quality products for your baby so we provide the products your baby will need in day to day life. We have products from Little Dutch Cyprus which has top quality Baby products.

Business Name: Jellyfish Kids

Country: Cyprus

Address: Shop 1, Stasinou Street 20, Larnaca, Cyprus, 6023

Email: hello@jellyfishkids.com

Contact No: +35799718968



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