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The err of it

Begins with the fact

That I feel too much

So much that a fear creeps up

Snuggles up against the wall

Inside my heart

And pulls it with a rope

Tied against a nail

Etched innit

The fear

Of feeling so much of it all

And all that at once

And that too

Too soon

Brings a bit of both

Merry and melancholia

And the uncertainty,

Of when, why

And how,

Makes it all the more delightful

For even you don’t know

Which way,

Your fate

Is going to turn

All you can do

Is be optimistic

So much so, that

Even if it turns upside down,

You don’t end up

Drowning in that well

Which you almost,

Almost dig for yourself

That’s the only thing

I’ll tell myself today..