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The blockchain-based cryptocurrency has seen a constant surge in volunteers worldwide since presale initiated

UNITED STATES, March 17, 2022 /EINPresswire — The Cryptocurrency, OAH coin is entering in its 3rd and final phase from 14 March 2022. With constantly surging interest among volunteers and investing volunteers, third phase could be a crucial opportunity to dive into cryptocurrency world especially OAH Coin.

OAH Coin pre-sale which began two month ago is in its second phase now. Within two months the cryptocurrency has seen a surge in hype for the OAH coin amongst all age groups and professionals. Along with presales, continuously growing volunteer participation in the initiative has pumped up everyone with a revolutionary mind-set of bringing a change in the society for a better tomorrow. The OAH coin is becoming a topic of interest amongst the masses.

To participate in the OAH coin pre-sale, it is suggested that users should attain regular updates by signing up on their website OAH.FAMILY or by following on social media.

Presale Details:

Allocation of the OAH coin is very decentralized, as 15 percent of coins are to be allocated in presale while the rest are being allocated via various other methods. This high degree of liquidity makes the cryptocurrency stand out and causes an impact on the social world. Moreover, investors have shown huge interest in the cryptocurrency airdrop and bounty program signifying its prospects. Presale is categorized into three phases:

1. Phase 1 – 5% @ 0.25 USD

2. Phase 2 – 5% @ 0.50 USD

3. Phase 3 – 5% @ 0.75 USD

The first phase aimed at allocating 5,500,000 OAH coins at the rate of 0.25 USD. Starting from 7th January 2022 to 11th February 2022, the first phase lasted for 36 days. Mention: After the conclusion of the first leg, the second phase is currently ongoing.

In the second phase, 5,500,000 OAH coins are up for allocation at the rate of 0.50 USD. Starting from 12 to February 2022 to 14th March 2022, lasting for 29 days. The second phase has ended with very impressive participation of new volunteers and investing volunteers.

In the last phase of the OAH presale, 5,5,500,000 OAH coins are to be allocated at the rate of 0.75 USD. Starting from 15th March to 10th April, lasting for 25 days. The presale is in currently in last phase, offering a potential future opportunity.

The entire process of presale will last for 90 days posing an excellent opportunity for those interested in diving into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. And for OAH, being a system driven by a noble cause of helping elderlies, one can contribute their bit by just taking part in the presale of OAH coin.

After completion of two phases, the heart-warming response of volunteering investors has been this great such that OAH Family has decided to offer “x”% extra coins on every phase 3 purchase. The extra coins will be credited to user's account within 30 days of end of phase 3.

Another important thing to be mentioned here is that the OAH web wallet has been launched and users can now store, send, receive OAH coin effortlessly and securely. Users can get more information about OAH web wallet on social media platforms.

Technical Details:

Developer: OAH FAMILY

Cryptocurrency: OAH Coin

Ticker: OAH

Algorithm: X15 PoW/PoS

Max PoW Coins: 110,000,000 OAH

PoS annual interest: 5 %

Timing of block (in seconds): 60 seconds to provide 20x growth to investors by mid-2022, a 100x growth by EOY 2023, and 1000x growth by EOY 2025. This being one of the visions behind the idea of OAH, seems to be very promising.

As OAH Family is determined towards professionalism, people-oriented service, community participation, effective communication, and continuous improvement, presale is an important aspect for the implication of these values.

OAH Coin was founded with the objective to support the elderlies by mobilising funds to cater to health, residential and other facilities for healthy and dignified ageing.

About OAH Family

OAH Family, a group of enthusiasts who imagined to connect the Old Age Homes with the compact world of blockchain cryptocurrency, announced today that they will be airdropping 1,100,000 OAH Coins, to join the initiative by volunteering the platform on social media. OAH Coin started with the vision to raise funds for Old Age Homes, which is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology supporting PoW (Proof of Work) and PoS (Proof of Stake) algorithms for a Green Cryptocurrency.

Contact info:

OAH Family https://oah.family https://www.facebook.com/oahfamilyofficial https://www.instagram.com/oah.family/ https://twitter.com/OahFamily https://www.youtube.com/c/OAHFamily https://t.me/oahcoinfamily

Source: EINPressWire