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oak furniture color matching skills

The color matching skills of oak furniture mainly include the universal matching of gold and ‌ silver, the matching of ‌ light-colored walls, ‌ and the color matching principle of interior space with no more than three colors. ‌

Gold and silver are versatile colors, ‌ can be paired with any color, ‌ and the effect is very good. ‌ gold does not include gold, ‌ silver does not include off-white, ‌ this way can bring stylish, ‌ warm, ‌ simple effect. ‌
In an ordinary living interior space, ‌ is generally recommended to use light color on the wall, ‌ medium color on the floor, ‌ and furniture, ‌ electrical appliances can use dark or light colors to match, ‌ can create a fashion, ‌ warm, ‌ simple atmosphere. ‌
The color matching principle of the interior space is that ‌ in addition to the specific nature of use, ‌ generally does not exceed three colors, ‌ of which white, ‌ black do not count as color types. ‌ This color scheme can maintain the harmony and unity of the space, ‌ to avoid too complicated and chaotic. ‌
For the kitchen color matching, ‌ is generally not suitable for the use of warm colors, ‌ because the kitchen needs to reflect a clean, ‌ tidy feeling, ‌ usually choose cool colors, ‌ unless special design needs. ‌
To sum up, ‌ oak furniture color collocation needs to take into account the overall space hue coordination, ‌ color psychological feeling and actual use function, ‌ through reasonable color collocation, ‌ can improve the comfort and beauty of the living environment. ‌