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Hi! The technological enhancements produce surreal benefits to us in various verticals. As our lives get busier with each passing day, we reckon technology obviously. Right from smartphones to every other gadget we use are sophisticating our lives leading to a convenient lifestyle.

On-demand services have become the buzzword in modern times. Almost every day-to-day need can be fulfilled with the aid of on-demand services. Many would be familiar with food delivery and grocery delivery services. But will you believe if I say that even the healthcare services have come online. Yes! 

Online medical services have become the talk of the town. It is one of the most expected on-demand services that will highly benefit people of every age group. Users can consult with doctors via a specially designed healthcare app. In the forthcoming section you will see an overview of the app and the popular healthcare services clone apps that are available in the market.

  • Teladoc clone app

  • Practo clone app

  • Babylon clone app

  • Zocdoc clone app, etc.,

Stupendous features of on-demand medical app:

Video consultation- Users can get live medical consultations from doctors via the app.

E-prescription- Doctors will prescribe medicines to users via the app. Users will view the digital format of the prescription.

Pre-book appointments- Users can reserve their appointments in advance using the app’s schedule booking feature.

Reminder- The app lets users to set reminders or alerts regarding the purchase of medicines via the app.

Ambulance booking- The app is an all-in-one platform via which users can avail any type of medical facilities. One such is the ambulance booking. Users can select their location and request for an ambulance via the app.


The need for online medical consultation is seeing a spiking growth and this is the exact time to invest in the medical app development solution. All the best!

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