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Is it okay to combine alcohol and CBD?

Organic CBD has quickly gained popularity in the health and wellness sector, and is frequently offered for sale at supplement stores and natural health establishments. Oils, lotions, protein bars, lip balms, bath soaks, and other CBD Products with CBD in them are readily available. But is it acceptable to combine alcohol and goods like CBD oil?

Alcohol producers have gotten on board and are already offering beers, shots, and other alcoholic beverages that contain CBD. However, a lot of people have questioned if it is safe to use CBD oil with alcohol and whether it is wise to do so.

The benefits and drawbacks of combining alcohol with CBD are discussed in this article.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol is known as CBD. It is a substance that the cannabis plant naturally contains. Contrary to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis, CBD is non-psychoactive and won't leave you feeling high like it usually does.

Cannabis plants, including hemp, are used to make CBD oil, which is then combined with a neutral carrier oil like sunflower, coconut, olive, or hemp seed oil.

Over the past few years, Organic CBD has gained popularity and is now offered in a variety of forms, including sprays, capsules, foods, tinctures, and injections. Potential health advantages of CBD include the control of pain, the reduction of anxiety, and the enhancement of skin health.

The effects of Organic CBD oil plus alcohol may intensify one another.

It has been demonstrated that alcohol reduces inhibitions and promotes emotions of serenity. Similar benefits of CBD products on your body include encouraging serenity and supporting healthy sleep patterns.

For instance, one study including 72 people found that taking 25–75 mg of CBD daily for just one month reduced anxiety and improved sleep. Combining CBD and alcohol may intensify these effects, possibly resulting in symptoms including heightened drowsiness and sedation.

Others contend that combining alcohol and CBD can make each substance's effects stronger, which can influence how you feel and behave. We are aware that there is some merit to the claims made by our clients who claim that CBD intensifies the effects of alcohol.

Additional Research on CBD Oil and Alcohol

Researchers looked at what happened when subjects were given 200 mg of CBD and 1 gram of alcohol for every 2.2 pounds (1 kg) they weighed in a small sample study.

The study discovered that combining CBD and alcohol severely reduced a person's ability to gauge time as well as their motor performance skills. When subjects received CBD just by itself, none of these effects appeared.

This implies that CBD does not impair in any manner, but alcohol might impair considerably.

This study does have certain shortcomings, though. The biggest problem is that, at 200 mg of CBD per day, the amount of CBD oil administered is far larger than what a typical individual would take.

Depending on your demands, our typical advised dosage ranges from 30 mg to 80 mg. Once more, there has been very little research in this area, and we are all waiting for science to catch up.


Although CBD and alcohol both have soothing effects, it's uncertain how they will interact with one another. Although further research is required, mixing alcohol and CBD can have negative effects. Please don't drink and drive, just to be clear.

Organic CBD oil may shield against the negative effects of alcohol.

Although there is little scientific data on the effects of mixing CBD oil and alcohol, the millions of people who do so will tell you that doing so does seem to intensify the effects of drinking.

Nevertheless, a lot of encouraging research suggests that CBD may be able to counteract some of the harmful effects of alcohol.

How does Organic CBD oil help to combat the harmful effects of alcohol consumption?

The cannabis plant has a long history of being recognized as a powerful drug. Extracts from hemp and cannabis have been employed by ancient societies for a variety of purposes. Given that drinking may have so many negative impacts, it is sense to investigate how CBD oil could be able to help.

CBD may stop sickness and cell damage.

Cells can be destroyed by excessive drinking, which increases the risk of acquiring diseases like pancreatitis, liver disease, and some cancers. Get treatment if you drink alcohol frequently because doing so increases these risk factors.

By consuming CBD, it may be possible to balance out these effects.

A rat study revealed a decrease in the brain cell damage brought on by excessive alcohol use. CBD Gel was topically applied to the rat's skin during the trial. There was a 49% reduction in the illness. Here's a link to that investigation.

A study on mice found that CBD induces the synthesis of new cells and tissue regeneration through a process known as autophagy, in addition to preventing alcohol-induced fatty liver disease.

Blood alcohol levels may be reduced by Organic CBD oil. BAC

The amount of alcohol in the blood is determined by the blood alcohol concentration, or BAC. It is the method used by authorities to decide whether a person is too intoxicated to operate heavy machinery or be on the street. In essence, drinking too much will get you into problems.

That's because a person's motor functions will be more severely hindered the higher their BAC level. Alcohol's impact on the central nervous system accounts for this. If you've ever seen an alcoholic in recovery, you'll notice that years of drinking have made them shaky.

According to a 10-person study, those who combined alcohol with 200 mg of CBD had considerably lower blood alcohol levels than those who merely drank a placebo.

It's also crucial to realize that the research was carried out in the 1970s with a very high dose of CBD. In the trial, doses that are five to ten times higher than usual were given. It's impossible to say if taking CBD in lower, more frequent doses would have had a similar effect.

Additional studies revealed that CBD did not seem to lower the level of blood alcohol in a number of animal trials. In other studies, rats were given CBD and alcohol, however the blood alcohol concentration was not lowered.

Based on these results, more study is required to determine whether CBD can impact human blood alcohol levels. We wouldn't put our money on CBD oil helping you drive home with a lower BAC!

CBD may be helpful for treating alcoholism.

Some scientists think CBD might be able to cure alcohol consumption disorder.

This is due to evidence from several animal studies that CBD can aid in reducing a number of addiction symptoms, including alcohol withdrawal in this instance.

First of all, alcohol withdrawal is challenging; some people even compare it to quitting smoking. Speak with a medical expert if you're trying to stop drinking. Abuse of alcohol harms the body, harms the liver, harms the blood vessels, and considerably elevates blood pressure.

Given the numerous drawbacks of protracted drinking, many people develop dependencies. Substance abuse disorders are chronic illnesses that you should seek treatment for. Speaking to someone about it is not embarrassing.

According to studies, adding CBD to your withdrawal strategy can aid in lowering addictive tendencies including anxiety and alcohol cravings. Depending on how much alcohol you consume, your symptoms may vary, but mixing CBD oil with other practices like exercise and meditation can help manage anxiety and have other beneficial impacts.

What do academic studies on Organic CBD and alcoholism say?

Numerous researchers think CBD might be able to treat alcohol consumption disorder. The studies listed below back up their assertion.

Strong proof exists that CBD use can lessen withdrawal symptoms. In two tests on rats, study1 and study2, researchers discovered that pure CBD derived from the hemp plant—exactly like our CBD Products here at Macon Acres —decreases drug-seeking behavior.

Recent research suggests CBD may lessen the desire to start drinking, which is good news for those attempting to stop.

Although more research is required, the current studies show promise. Therefore, try taking CBD oil to help you get through it if you're getting ready to give up alcoholic beverages.

Should you combine alcohol and Organic CBD?

It's a challenging question. When CBD and alcohol are combined, drinking becomes more impairing. It can weaken your ability to think and lower your cognitive function. It may be better to avoid combining CBD and alcoholic beverages because there is little information on the subject.

But if you drink, even in moderation, CBD has advantages that can counteract the negative effects of alcohol. Among other things, it can lower blood pressure, facilitate deeper sleep, and lessen nausea brought on by alcohol.

Alcohol and CBD can be combined, but only after careful consideration. Mixing alcohol with CBD won't affect how well you respond to therapy with CBD oil if you occasionally drink like the majority of people. If you plan to incorporate CBD into your routine, start slowly and pay attention to the results.

Our Findings

The effects of both drugs may be amplified when CBD and alcohol are combined. They may make you drowsy at high doses, which is risky if you're driving or at a party. But we've also demonstrated that using Organic CBD while drinking alcohol has a number of advantages.

That's because several research on both humans and animals have shown that CBD has the power to lessen blood alcohol levels, addiction or withdrawal symptoms, and protect cells from alcohol-induced harm. Adding CBD oil to your drinking routine, no matter how modest the amount, can actually add a layer of health protection.

In order to fully understand what is occurring to the body and mind when CBD and alcohol are combined, further research is needed, as we have discovered. We eagerly await the findings of fresh studies because there hasn't been enough research in this extensive field of inquiry.

If your health is an issue, think about if alcohol consumption and alcoholism may be a problem for you. Get assistance if you decide that drinking alcohol is a problem for you.

If you don't drink frequently, Organic CBD and alcohol can be combined. Keep in mind that the effects of both substances might be potent when combined. We are your source if you want to take CBD oil and are looking for Organic CBD products that are tested, safe, and legal.



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