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Park Seo Joon Rumored to Act with Brie Larson in ‘The Marvels’

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Actor Park Seo Joon is rumored to be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe and acting with Brie Larson in ‘The Marvels'.

On Tuesday (6/15/2021), Star News reported that Park Seo Joon has recently completed an internal review and discussion about an offer to join the cast of The Marvels.

Park Seo Joon is said to be flying to the United States in the second half of 2021 after filming the movie ‘Concrete Utopia' is completed and continuing filming for ‘The Marvels'.

On the other hand, the circulation of these rumors, Park Seo Joon's agency expressed a cautious attitude.

Awesome ENT said that it did not want to comment on the possibility of Park Seo Joon's appearance in ‘Captrain Marvel 2'.

“No Comments,” said the agency.

‘The Marvels' is the sequel to Captain Marvel, which was Marvel's first female superhero movie.

The movie grossed over $1.1 billion USD, so expectations are high for the sequel.

‘The Marvels' stars Brie Larson as Captain Marvel and Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau.

‘The Marvels' is scheduled to hit theaters on November 13, 2022.

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