Who is Parnashree Devi?

Listen in their own words…

“I am a mountain girl, thriving amidst the grandeur of peaks and valleys. The mountains awaken a sense of vitality within me that is unmatched. Embracing life's spontaneity brings me immense joy; meticulous planning is not my forte. Connecting with people and immersing myself in diverse cultures resonate more with me than the typical clubbing or café-hopping scenes. I am a relentless dreamer and an avid pursuer of my aspirations, staunchly refusing to surrender to obstacles.”

Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?

The blog takes you on a virtual journey through engaging content and inviting photographs. I started the blog My Travel Diary a few years back to share my travel stories with the world, completely out of passion. In a short span of time, the blog started getting prominence among readers. The passion had turned into a profession. Not virtually, but the blog has literally taken me places.

Waking up in a wonderland like Lapland in Finland, spending time with the indigenous Sami people, sailing on the Indian Ocean on Princess Cruises, glass boat-ride in the Maldives, spending my night in a 108 years old heritage home in an offbeat Haa valley in Bhutan, visiting a bucket list country like Georgia, trekking to Tiger Nest in Bhutan and so on. The list is long.

Describe how you first get into blogging?

My journey began as a transformation from passion to profession. What started as a blog driven by my passion soon gained significant traction, rapidly propelling me into the spotlight. Amidst this whirlwind, I made the pivotal decision to temporarily step away from my corporate role and explore this newfound path. Within just half a year, my blog soared to new heights, and from that point onward, there was no stopping its momentum.

How would you describe your blogging style?

My writing style leans towards intimacy, where I intricately weave emotions into words. As a sensitive soul, hardly anything escapes my keen observation. During my travels, I seek out moments of solitude to fully absorb the essence of each place. I have a knack for noticing even the most minute details that often slip by unnoticed. This emotional depth finds its way into my articles, allowing readers to resonate with my experiences. Alongside this, I also take pleasure in crafting informative pieces that equip readers with valuable insights for their travel planning endeavors.

What type of networking do you think is better to enhance your traffic to the blog?

In the digital era, staying ahead of trends and mastering your domain is crucial for maximizing your achievements. I place value in cultivating connections both online and offline. While participating in travel conferences, events, and meet-ups is invaluable for networking, harnessing the power of social media is essential to reach a broader audience.

What do you think is the best service a blogger can provide to their readers?

I believe that blogs play a pivotal role in delivering accurate information to readers. Beyond their informative nature, blogs serve as a conduit for not only accessing reliable information but also igniting a sense of wanderlust. They have undeniably excelled in presenting compelling travel aspirations. More than just urging you to venture beyond your comfort zone, blogs offer a rich tapestry of insights encompassing lifestyle, culture, destinations, gastronomy, and all subjects of personal interest. Moreover, blogs stand as a wellspring of inspiration, constantly nurturing the creative flame within.

How do you manage time to run your blog efficiently?

This revolves around the art of proficient time management. My journey in blogging dates back to 2018, and I must concede that orchestrating an efficient travel blog demands a substantial commitment. There's no room for breaks or weekends – it's a round-the-clock endeavor. While it can be tiring at times, the process of crafting narratives and unveiling them to the world imbues it with undeniable significance. When fueled by passion, remarkable efficiency can be achieved in any endeavor.

How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?

Devoting more time to both my blogging and meticulous travel planning.

What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that?

I don't subscribe to the notion of failure. When something doesn't succeed, it serves as a moment for reflection and impels me to explore new avenues to attain my goals. While there might have been instances where things didn't pan out as intended, each of those experiences has been a wellspring of learning. I've approached them with unwavering determination, tirelessly refining and adapting my approach.

Tell me about your proudest achievement?

Holding “The Best Travel Blogger Award” at SATTE 2020, the sensation is truly remarkable. Being acknowledged by the travel industry for one's tireless efforts is undeniably a gratifying experience.

Who has impacted you most in blogging and how?

Pinpointing a single source is a challenge, as I consistently seek inspiration from exceptional work. Every instance of inspiration, regardless of its form, fuels my drive to transcend my boundaries.

What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?

Undertaking a Travel Show with MTV stands as one of my most significant accomplishments beyond the realm of blogging.

What do you do in your spare time?

Reading extensively is a profound passion of mine. Beyond that, indulging in captivating content on OTT platforms is a preferred pastime, and, of course, honing my photography skills remains an enduring favorite.

Where would you like to be in blogging five years from now?

I don't plan anything in life. I will be where I should be. Life is quite adventurous and I love the thrill of unknown.

What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?

Persisting through the challenging moments, especially during low days, is one of the most demanding aspects of the blogging journey.

Can you name some of your favorite bloggers and explain why they are your favorites?

There are many. I won't be able to name a few.

How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?

My unwavering passion propels me forward, an insatiable hunger that continuously ignites and propels my journey.

Can you tell me about a few sources from where you get products for review on your site?

Truthfully, I haven't initiated contact with brands for product reviews. The dynamic has been more the opposite, with travel and lifestyle brands frequently reaching out to me for reviews. These inquiries typically stem from diverse sources such as advertising agencies, PR firms, and, naturally, interactions on social media platforms.

What do you find the most frustrating aspect of blogging?

Pursuing clients for payment, particularly in India, can be quite frustrating.

What is the biggest difference in your life post-blogging?

My exposure to the global stage, immersing myself in a diverse tapestry of cultures and connecting with individuals from all around the world.

Did you have any professional help or did you create the blog yourself?

I sought professional assistance to create my website, but aside from that, I've managed all other aspects on my own.

How active are you on a weekly basis? How often do you communicate with your followers?

It depends entirely on my schedule. I do connect with my followers on weekends mostly.

How much time do you spend blogging?

Given my current full-time commitments, I dedicate my holidays and weekends to my blogging endeavors.

What do you think is the best social media strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?

Share your content extensively and strategically. By identifying and reaching the appropriate audience, you're well on your way to success.

Would you encourage other people to make their blog?

Don't dive into blogging solely to conform to trends. If you're enthusiastic about crafting narratives and see blogging as your chosen medium for sharing, it's a fantastic avenue. However, blogging requires unwavering commitment, and there are no shortcuts to achieving success. Hence, thoughtful consideration is crucial before embracing blogging as a profession.

Is blogging your profession or just a hobby?


A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?

Initiate blogging with the intention of establishing your brand, rather than solely for monetary gains. Begin by building your online presence and then delve into strategies for generating income. Equally essential is clarifying your purpose for blogging. Avoid engaging in it solely to keep up with others; let your motive be purposeful and unique.

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