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Periodontal Gum Disease: Causes & Symptoms

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Do you suffer from inflamed and bleeding gums? This can be a sign of periodontal gum disease. Taking the help of a dental expert can help to effectively manage and treat this concern and help one to achieve healthy oral health.

What is Periodontal Disease? 

Are you also navigating to know what is periodontal disease? Then traverse more to know in detail:

Periodontitis or gum disease refers to the severe infection or inflammation of the gums and bones that supports and surrounds the teeth, shares the best dentist in Chicago at First Point Dental Clinic. This is a dental concern mostly seen in adults. It is often considered as the progressive condition of the less serious gum infection (gingivitis) which leaves the gums red, swollen, and sometimes bleeding. It is a common dental issue but largely preventable by taking care of the teeth and maintaining proper oral hygiene.

What Causes Gum Disease? 

The main causative factor that leads to periodontal gum disease is the bacterial residence inside the mouth. The bacteria grow in number and infect the tooth supportive resulting in swelling around the tooth. It forms a dental plaque (a thin film) on the teeth when it feeds on the food debris stuck on the teeth and stays there for long enough. If the plaque is not removed in the initial stages, it may ultimately lead to its hardening to form tartar (or calculus). The build-up of tartar can spread below the gum line, hence making it harder to keep the teeth clean by regular brushing and flossing. To stop or prevent the occurrence of periodontitis, only a dentist can help by carrying out professional teeth cleaning for the removal of plaque or tartar.

What Are the Signs of Gum Disease?

An individual suffering from periodontitis shows some common signs and symptoms. If you have any of the following warning signs of periodontal disease, do immediately schedule an appointment with the dentist.

  • Red or inflamed, puffy gums
  • Gums turning bright red, dusky red, or purplish
  • Loosening of the teeth that can eventually fall out
  • Pain while chewing or biting food
  • Teeth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Tender on touch gums that often bleed when brushing or flossing
  • Pulling of the gums away from the teeth (i.e. receding of the gums), making the teeth appear longer than normal
  • Changes in fitting of the teeth together when the person bites
  • Lingering of the bad breath or awful taste
  • Change in the fitting of the partial denture
  • Pus formation in between the gums and teeth
  • Development of new spaces between the teeth

Are you experiencing all these symptoms and want to achieve healthy oral health. Schedule an appointment now with the best dental experts in Illinois at First Point Dental Clinic to get an effective treatment and care for periodontal gum diseases and infection.